IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today’s world, steady economic growth is a substantial criterion for governments to improve their county’s situation like environmental issues. In the meantime, some people have a contrasting opinion. In this essay,
Some argue that countries can be economically benefited and can also have a healthy environment while others believe that it is impossible to possess these aspects as it's not compatible.Although, it is not easy to maint
The economic development in the developed countries has led to various environmental catastrophe. While many people argue that attaining economic benefits for a nation cannot co-exist with a clean environment, some belie
The growth of green technology is increasing day by day which is gradually boosting the recession of the country. It is often believed that it is possible for a provincial to be successful economically as well as environ
In the era of modernization and technical progress, some people believe that society is able to maintain a tidy eco-system and provide successful economic development at the same time. While others argue that in the mode
There has been a confront debate about whether is it feasible for a nation develop/thrive economically wealthy and prosperous as well as have a fresh and sustainable natural habitat or it is an impossible mission and inf
It is true that a successful economy and clean environment lead to a prosperous country,while other people think that they are incompitable. In my opinion, i believe that a clean environment is the result of a successfu
The consequences of the progress of a country often affect its environment in the worst possible way. While some agree that prosperity and a healthy environment cannot co-exist, others orgue on the possibilities by using
It is often believed that economical achievement of the country can be achieved simultaneously by following the guidelines of a clean environment. Whereas others think that itis not possible at all to achieve both parall
Over the last few decades, there has been a significant development in the world. It is argued that a country can have a balance between economy and better nature while others believe that it's both extreme ends and cann
In this era of rising industrialization and urbanization, several pupils opine that a nation can achieve economic progress and maintain a tidy eco-system at the same time. However, another set of the population dissatisf
Industrialization not only boosts the finance of a country but is also paving the way for the disturbing environment. Even though some individuals are in a view that a nation can balance the economy and environment , oth
Economics and environment are two major aspects that determine a successful country. This has, however, ensured a debate of sorts that it is possible for a country to be economically and environmentally successful or not
Nowadays, human existence becomes more demanding than it used to be. All countries attempt to increase their national economy, while also think about their environment altogether.That statement may lead to 2 different
Many successful nations lifted their country's economy by keeping in mind the certain environmental factors, while other conflicts that these are the two separate things which are impossible to resolve at a time. In this
Many today are increasing the opinion that countries can be economically successful and have a clean environment. However, other people reckon that it is not compatible. This essay will analyse both points of view and I
Nowadays, it is noticed that a plethora of countries is striving hard to develop themselves economically and also working to maintain pristine surroundings.Few people opine that it is possible for a country to achieve su
The 21st century is characterized by a burgeoning development of the global economy. Conscious of this propensity, sustainable development has been a topic of concern in the most contentious debates. While some people be
Many today are increasing the opinion that countries can be economically successful and have clean surroundings. However, other people reckon that it is not compatible. This essay will analyse both points of view and I g
Many today are increasing the opinion that countries can be economically successful and have a clean environment. However, other part of people reckon that it is not compatible. This essay will analyse both points of vie
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