In today’s world we can find vast diversity in cultural and social aspects. People choose different type of clothing styles all around the world. This makes themselves special and different than others. Some people think
In today’s ,world we can find vast diversity in cultural and social aspects. People choose different types of clothing styles all around the world. This makes them special and different from others. Some people think tha
Nowadays, all over world societies have different kinds of customs, traditions and regions in their lives. However, cultural effects can be shown their clothes choising so their preferred have demonstrated their lifestyl
Some folks consider clothing as a way to guess a person's background and personality, and I believe the same to some extent. Although in my belief having brand clothes such as shirts or trousers is not the best way to j
Although some individuals try to judge an individual's background like their traditions, values, and other aspects of their life by the way they dress; I do not agree with this way of knowing people. In this essay, I wil
By looking at the clothes someone wears, sometimes it is possible to have an idea about a person`s background. Some people believe that a certain person`s cultural background and characteristics could be possible to read
The world has become a small place which allows human interaction easily accessible. A person's culture could be represented through his dress code and could be a reflection of his character. I strongly advocate and agre
There is a serious argument in society, about whether it is fair to judge a person's character or culture from what he or she wears. For me, I raise my hand against the affirmation and the following paragraphs will anal
There has been a controversy about whether a person's choice of clothes can tell a lot about his culture and character. I agree with this idea, and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
Few people are of the opinion that the decision of clothing determines his personality and lifestyle. I completely disagree with the aforementioned statement and shall state my reasons by elaborating the same with an exa
It is widely believed that one's culture and character can be seen from their choice of clothing. This essay will explain the reasons why I completely agree with that statement.
There is a global agreement about the connection between a certain type of clothing and people’s nationality and character. I agree with that notion because we can expect the nationality of an individual from what they w
Globalisation has opened up new avenues in the fashion industry. Over the last couple of ,decades there have been radical changes in the way people groom. Some flocks believe the way individuals dress can predict their e
The importance of clothes to judege culture and character which was always debatable has now become more conterversial.The substantial influence of this trend has sparked the controversy over the potential impact in rece
It is thought by some that, the clothes selection is helpful to describe someone's cultural background and also personality. In my opinion, I completely disagree with this statement. While the human being's cultures are
Today people believe that their need consumption got affected by advertisement, therefore, they are buying some unnecessary thing, however, some other one thinks differently and feel some tv shows advertisement can amply
throughout history, attire has been a symbol of various cultures but nowadays, since the fashion industry has developed it is a little difficult to notice much about individuals' and society's cultures. in this essay, d
Someone said: "Having more money and less free time is better than earning less money and have more freetime". I completely disagree with that opinion. Social nowadays is modernizer and grow up day by day, so that people
It is indubitable that most people are inclined to choose the clothing they enjoy all the time. Some individuals regard the choice of clothes as a key to understanding one person's culture and character. However, I am o
Dressing patterns has been known to convey some sort of message in terms of the beliefs, culture and attitude of individuals from medieval to contemporary times. Over time, this has been a recurring subject of discussion