IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people argue that television has no use other than entertainment; others believe that individuals can use it for educational purposes. I am of the opinion that although the advertisements can disrupt the flow of lea
It is commonly argued that watching television brings the merit for educational aspects, while many people believe that there is only one benefit in terms of beneficial entertainment. This issue offers both advantages an
Whether the implementation of TV will brings benefit to the education or not is emerged as a controversial topic of interest . The writer of this essay claims that even though this may lead to the TV addiction of youngst
There has been quite an obvious discussion around the topic of television. While some people believe that TV is beneficial for educational purposes, I would argue that television is more useful for entertainment. I will
Nowadays an increasing number of people are becoming concerned about television. There are two diametrically opposed opinions on the matter. Some people assert that television is useful un education while others state
The majority of people say that television is advantageous in education. Other people say it is advantageous only for enjoyment. According to myself, it is very enjoyable. In this essay, I will discuss both views and I g
While some people argue that watching TV is beneficial for learning new things, others are convinced that it is only a source of entertainment. This essay believes that television can do both as it helps people to unwind
Some people say that television is just useful for entertainment, but others say that is also benefical for education. I believe that television is used for education, but more and more television display entertainment p
A number of individuals believe that television can help with education, while others feel it is only used for entertaining people. Although entertainment television programs are the most popular programs on TV, this ess
Some individuals think that television is beneficial for learning, While other individuals think television is only for entertainment. While people mainly watch tv for having fun, Personally, I think both prospectives ar
It is believed that watching television is beneficial for education but some people think the main reason for it is entertainment purposes only
In this era, if there is no television, humans find it very difficult to know the current problems around the world.While it is considered by some that TV is only useful for entertainment, there are others who believe th
Controversial argument is being maintained whether television can us for studies or leisure activities by the supporters, who obligated to the ach parties. However, I guess that TV is a essential tool for education and t
Nowadays, while many people hold the view that television is useful for educating people, some others believe that it is useful for entertainment purposes. In my opinion, I think it is essential to play entertainment pro
While some claim that television is solely beneficial for entertainment, others claim that it is useful for education. Although some channels show content to educate viewers, I believe that the majority of channels aim t
Television is a great invention that people have nowadays. The first purpose of the invention of television is to share information with visual addition to the crowd. As time moves, television become a great medium to in
Television is considered useful for education by some, while others claim that it only serves entertainment purposes. While certain people believe television is only for entertainment as it steals time, this essay claims
Television has become increasingly popular over the past decade. Some people believe that it can be an effective learning medium, while others oppose it by claiming it is used by the general public mainly for amusement.
Some individuals claim that television is an useful tool for education while others think that it is more for fun. In my opinion, watching tv has far more educational aspects than entertainment facilities.
Some people argue that television helps in learning while others believe that its only purpose is to entertain us. Although television is widely used for enjoyment and leisure, in my opinion, it also helps in other ways
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