IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some individuals say that increasing the number of sports facilities is the best way to make public health better, however, there is another group of people who think that this would not make so much of a difference in p
Having healthy public people is one of the essential dreams for every government. Some individuals believe that enhancing sports equipment is very useful, but others think it should evaluate the other factors as well. T
There is a belief that more available sports facilities for the population will lead to improvement of overall public health. However, there is also another point of view that it has so less effect on this. So, this essa
The controversial lack not lacking in our modern society.It is true that...means a lot to people in our contemporary world.Today the growing demand for...due to globalization emphasizes its importance.This issue.
Some people argued that more sports facilities in the community would be a better way to improve public health, whilst others believed that it will be result in small effect on people health. In my opinion, I agree build
Undeniable is the fact that in modern societies the level of health among the general population has witnessed a considerable decline. This has raised a crucial question on how public health can be promoted. Some segmen
Sport facilities are one of the crucial factors of any government. It is argued that increasing the number of sport amenities can lead to enhance public health, others claim that it would give small effect for health of
Some people explain that the most effective way to improve the overall society’s health is by building sports facilities, Others, however, believe that this idea will not have the effect we are seeking on public health,
It is argued that constructing many sports facilities can improve public fitness, but in my ,opinion this will not help unless we improve awareness about the importance of sports and their positive impact on general heal
According my thinking, I believe that we don’t have to wait a long time to see older people and younger people use the same kind of social media software. It have happened for a long time and is increasing every day. Tho
With the advent of the IT revolution in the 20th century, the lifestyle of the present generation is sedentary, owing to the nature of the work they do, like mostly sitting in front of computers for almost half of the da
It is claimed that Internet is beneficial in terms of socialization, however, can be harmful as a source of an information. Personally, I believe that Internet has good impact on communication of people but can be unreli
A part of the society is sure that adding more places for sport is the best approach for improving public health. An another part thinks that the effect on wellbeing in this case is minimal and advocates for other soluti
Some people believe that building more sports facilities is beneficial for improving public health, while others argue that it would have little effect on public health and that other measures are required. In my view, w
In today's world, health is a major concern for a majority of population. Some believe that sports facilities plays a vital role in improving public health. However, others believe in multiple factors that can have a ben
There is no doubt that sports facilities have a huge impact on an individual's health, no matter how many they are spreading in our neighbourhoods, because to this day there is no evidence to support this theory. In this
A problem of the current era is the decline of public health. While adding more sports facilities may promote the number of people exercising, I believe that it should take more effort to deal with this issue.
Improving public well-being is the topic of discussion although some think that increasing sports amenities are the best for levelling public health, others, myself included, believe that other measures are needed.
Improving the public health is the topic pf discussion although some think that increasing the sport amenities are the best for leveling of the public health, others, myself included, believe that other measures are need
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