IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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“Gap year” has become a new buzzword in a discussion of youngsters for future. Following this essay is an in-depth insight into the benefits and drawbacks of gap year as well as direct entry to tertiary studies.
Many people recognise that the high school completion should be followed by getting around or labouring rather than to take a straight step toward up higher qualification.
There is no doubt in the fact that the youngster's are the future rulers of our country and a gold pill to the prosperity of the nation. However, there are some people who believe that high school graduates should trave
The youth has always been the future of tomorrow, as a prosperity of a country. It is believed by some people that the students should take a break for travelling or working for a short span of time before pursuing furth
Youth is the future of the nation if only nurtured properly, considering this statement a group of people deem that youngsters who has successfully completed secondary education should explore or look for some job befo
Education is considered to be a backbone of a child, therefore, it is quite obvious that it plays an immense role in the holistic development of the children. However, there is a debate about their studies after completi
A normal person’s life span starts with school then they head to university and afterwards they start working. Universities help students acquire new knowledge, and working or travelling helps the student apply the knowl
Many people argue that students, who are recently graduated from school, should work for at least a few months or travel around the country before starting higher studies at university. This essay will mainly focus on th
The youth has always been the future of tomorrow, as prosperity of a country. However, it is often considered to provide hands on experience to the students prior to admitting in a collage. Since, it drives them to becom
The youth has always been the future of tomorrow, as prosperity of a country. However, it is often considered to provide hands on experience to these students prior to admitting in a collage. Since, it drives them to bec
Is well known that young people like travelling even more when they are youngs. Travelling during your adolescence is a good idea because they can extract very good vibes and Check the Essay Start Timer Sign in / Si
A discussion exist between people that whether students take a break to travel or go to university directly after high school. Most students directly go to university after high school graduations. On the other hand, som
There is a section of people who believes students should take a break either to get work experience or travel before joining university, whereas some disagree. In this essay, I shall examine the merits and demerits of t
High school students face many decisions as they prepare to graduate, including what they are going to do after graduation. Some high school students go directly to college or university after graduation. Others prefer
It is common for a student to take a gap-year in a foreign country or even work for a year prior to university. Whether a student should engage in travelling or working before embarking on a formal qualification has been
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