IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people argue over which type of classroom, either single or mixed gender, has more benefits. Although both types have their own advantages and disadvantages, I believe mixed school offers more benefits.
Schools play a vital role in children's lives individuals believe that it is beneficial to enrol their children in single-sex academies. However , others think that children who learn in mixed schools are confident and r
Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools, on the other hand, some believe that it is better for boys and girls to attend mixed schools.
There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate over the schooling system of boys and girls. While some people claim that citizens ought to over-letting boys and girls to absorb insights in a co-educational syst
Some people support the idea that pupils should study separately other genders. However, most of the population believes that it is better to gather students for making more profits in education. I strongly most of the b
While some people have preferance on single gender schools, others believe there are more positive influence derived from co-education. The former suggest that students are more likely to have better academic performance
Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in single-sex schools. Others, however, believe boys and girls benefits more from attending mixed schools. Each education system have advantages and disadvant
Some individuals believe that educating male and female students in single-sex schools are more beneficial. Nevertheless, other people reckon that boys and girls take more advantage of studying in co-ed ones. In this ess
It is argued by some people that dividing school between boys and girls is a better choice, while others, the other hand, believe that it is more beneficial for boys and girls to attend the same institute. This essay wil
A number of people argue that it is better for both types of gender to get an education from different institutions, while others believe that it is more beneficial for juveniles if they attend combined academies. Althou
Many people consider that men and women should be taught in co-education. However, others argue that it is better for students to be educated in a separate school. This essay will discuss both views and will give my pers
That Both boys and girls should be taught in the mixed academy has been a controversial issue since the Kartini and Women's rights. Some argue that teaching young men and young women should be separated. Others believe
Most urban-area parents are widely preferred to join their children in mixed schools whereas in rural areas people are still opting for single-sex schools.
It is commonly said that these days the majority of people suggest that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. While others think that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. This e
Some citizens believe that it is preferable to educate females and males in separate schools; however, others argue that there are more advantages from attending co education schools. I believe the last one is a prefera
There are people who would argue that it would be much efficient to teach students in single-sex schools, while others say that co-ed schools are much better instead. I think that students would benefit more in attending
In the past, South Korea which is my country tended to prefer boys and girls schools, but gender equality became more common, came to prefer coeducational schools more.
The diagram illustrates information about what the Australian youths preferred consuming in a space of 15 years. Overall, fish and chips were consumed by many teenagers at the beginning of the period under review though
It argued that boys and girls learn in separate school is better. On the other hand, a lot of people believe that more advantage if both of gender educate together. In this essay i will offer my opinion at the inclusion.
There is an opinion that if girls and boys study in separate schools, it will be better for them.Supporters of the opposite view believe that advantages have more mixed schools than separate ones. I concur with the latte
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