IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, many corporations expand their business to remote areas. Many people hold the view that relocating concerns to rural areas has potential benefits to economic growth and equitable development, while others hold
In recent years, there has been a growing discussion about the potential benefits of relocating large companies and industries from densely populated urban centers to regional areas. While this proposal may raise concern
Nowadays, companies getting bigger and bigger.Moving to outside large regional areas both have pros and cones.Yes, advantages outweight the disadvantages surely.
Large companies and industries play a vital role in the growth of the economic condition of a country. It has been argued that multinational groups and big factories should be relocated to rural sites in the nation. I be
well , it is true fact that individuals have to construct large buildings in the countryside area instead if urban side because in rural area the free land is available at low cost as campare to town side .Nevertheless,
Industries play a vital role in the nation's economy . Many big cities have developed with the help of big companies and industries . It not only helps economically but also provides lots of job opportunities. One of th
A few individuals believe that it is of great benefit relocating big factories and offices from major cities to suburban regions.However, others believe otherwise. I think locating them in the urban region has more posit
Some people argue that big corporations and factories should be located in the suburbs. While there are some drawbacks associated with this matter, I believe their main benefits are more substantial
Many people feel that it would be a great change if large companies and industries move to the regional areas outside large urban centers. In my view, I feel there will be more advantages than that of disadvantages. In t
Many people feel that it would be a great change if large companies and industries move to the regional areas outside large urban centers. In my view i feel there will be more advantages to that of disadvantages. In this
Several people believe that companies should move from developed cities to regional areas. This essay suggest that advantages outweigh the disadvantages because it will increase the jobs and will help in the development
Few people thought that companies or industries should transfer their location into the rural areas. There are lots of negative aspects of this such as there may have lack of employee as well as materials, but it has som
It is often argued that bigger firms or industries would be shifted to rural areas from urban cities for the betterment. While this trend has some disadvantages, I believe this phenomenon comes with several positive deve
In recent years, some individuals are convinced that big enterprises would benefit more by moving from metropolitan areas to the countryside. While urban cities have their perks, I strongly believe that the positive aspe
Some people alleged that large scale production companies should prefer relocate in the remote area at the outskirt of cities. According to my perception, migration of these sectors is lucrative for both rural as well as
In this industrialized world large sectors and organizations are growing at a very fast pace. Some people alleged that large scale production companies should prefer relocate in the remote area at the outskirt of cities.
Part of society would argue that businesses should influence 55+ individuals in senior positions to retire in order to increase opportunities forthe youngsters. Personally, I completely disagree with this positions due t
Although people thought that it is advantagesous for big companies and industries to shift to local areas outside the urban areas.In my opinion,I think that moving insdustries to regional areas bring more benefits compa
It is thought by many that the commercial sections should be shifted to the countryside from the metropolitan’s cities to balance the growth of the country along with several other benefits. But some of the people are cl
According to some people bigger companies and industrial sectors should be moved to the rural areas. In this essay I will discuss both Advantages and Disadvantages of moving major companies and industrial sectors to the
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