IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, in many ,states a number of people who want to become teachers are getting decrease, especially in high schools. The main reason is that young students are transforming to adolescents and lecturers can not put
While some have claimed that pets influence positively children, others argue that they can be hazardous and damage teenagers' health. Personally, I advocate the former that it affects positively younger ones, but nevert
Domestic animals and humans have a long history, that’s why pets are very common these days. Many families adopt dogs and cats because they think it is beneficial for children while others argue that this decision could
In recent times, pet-related injuries and mortalities have sparked heated debates about whether it is healthy for children to be around treasure. In this , an essay I shall argue that such dangers are overemphasised and
Few people believe that having pets is good for children. However, other people believe it is dangerous and not good for their health. I agree with the former opinion because I have heard that it is good for children to
It is true that a host of people nowadays especially kids tend to own a companion as a friend or because of their love for them. While some individuals believe that this trend has a positive effect on a child’s behaviour
Several human beings assume that taking care of home animals is satisfactory for kids while others believe it is threatening and unsafe.In this essay,I will elaborate both views and give my opinion for this topic.
There are difference in opinions about the fact that whether having pets at home are advantageous or not. Some people support it, whereas, others are against the same. Although from animals children learn crucial habits,
In recent times, pet-related injuries and mortalities have sparked heated debates about whether it is healthy for adolescents to be around pets. In this , essay I shall argue that such dangers are overemphasised and tha
There has been a remarkable increase in the number of people who think that some feeding tame animals at home have beneficial effects on their babies while a bunch of people are taking objection saying that this attitude
Some individuals debate that nurturing a pet when there is a child at home is a healthy sign,while others argue that it becomes dangerous and unhygienic to keep pets.I strongly affirm the notion that raising a puppy or k
One of the most conspicuous trends of today's world is the colossal upsurge of keeping pets at home. There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in the world. This essay will discuss the merit
Nowadays, people tend to keep an animal in the house for a good company to the kids. While some believe that it is beneficial for children, some even think there are safety issues. Although there are arguments, I radical
Recently, there has been a heated controversy that owning pets has a potential danger to children’s health while others disagree. Personally, I completely agree that pet-related injuries should be more emphasized in chil
These days pets are considered to be a huge support system for many families. Actually, they are very loyal, loving and very protective. Animals have a very jovial and playful nature, that is why small kids are keen on k
Over the centuries human have coexisted with animals, as a result today, we can witness domesticated animals being present in many homes. While others argue the safety of family members, particularly children as many new
Over the centuries human have coexisted with animals, as result today, we can witness domesticated animals being present in many homes. While others argue the safety of family members, particularly children as many newsp
Pets have for ages been considered integral part of homes across nations and their role in making families complete cannot be over emphasised. However, in recent times, pet related injuries and diseases have sparked heat
People have different opinions towards responsibilities of the society. Some believes that, “ by paying levy is sufficient”. While others think that , “one should contributing morally by the sake of people living around
In last decade, Researcher's from psychology examined the influence of pets on teenagers. The finding revealed that sharing home space with pets helped teenagers to be more positive at school with their peers. However, s
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