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A museum is considered the temple of our culture and history.Many argue that a museum is an institute proposed solely for educational needs,while some think it should be more entertaining to attract visitors.To my way
A meuseum is the temple of our culture and history.It is often claimed that,the role or function of an ideal museum is to amuse it's visitors.But many argue that,the sole purpose of a museum is to provide education or in
It is argued whether museums are used for education or entertainment. However, I have a tendency to believe that people could not only study but also enjoy themselves in museums. This essay will discuss both two values,
It is believed that the role of a museum is to entertain people whereas others argue that it should have more educational function. In my opinion, the museum can be considered both educational and entertaining for visit
People have different views about the role and function of museums. In my opinion, museums can and should be both entertaining and educational. On the one hand, it can be argued that the main role of a museum is to ent
It is believed that the role of a museum is to entertain people whreas others argue that it should have more educational function. In my opinon, the museum can be considered both educational and entertaining for visitor
Issues related to the museum are frequently discussed these days. Although some people believe that museums introduce us to have enjoyable moments with others rather than learning occasion, others criticize and argue tha
Recently, people have had contrasting views on the purpose of museums. While some individuals argue that its role is to entertain visitors, others believe that it should be an educational role. In this essay, both sides
Museums are the major tourist attractions in every country. Some people believe that museum tours should be filled with fun so that they can enjoy more, whereas others think that they are meant to provide information an
Museums are the place where inventions of scientists and ancient equipment should be displayed. Important information about their studies or some of their biography were kept. Some people think that museums are an enjoya
It has been subject to debate that whether museums play a greater role in education or entertainment.In my opinion it seems to be both of them acceptable in same pathway as enjoyment or educational.
People have different views on the role and function of museums. In my opinion, museums can and should be both entertaining and educational.
Museums have always been a place of attraction for tourists. Some people consider this place as a source of entertainment while others believe it is a place of gaining abundance of knowledge. This essay will discuss both
The role of museums in our lives has been widely debated. Opinions differ as to whether the role of museums is solely limited to entertain us or as a means of education. In this essay, I will not only discuss both sides,
People have different views on the roles of museums. While some believe that such places should be used for entertainment, I agree with the idea that the main purpose of museums is to educate people.
There are different opinions about whether a museum is a recreation site or a place for education. In my viewpoint, I think that a museum is for both entertaining and educating purposes.
People have views that museums should focus on entertainment, while there are some opponents who argue that the main function of museums is education. I believe that museums should have both two points.
There are different views about whether the purpose of museums should be enjoyment or education. What I suggest is these places should try to enhance people’s knowledge by different means of entertainments.
In this enthusiastic world, museums are being a hot topic. Hence, it is argued that the museums ought to be the places in which opportunities for enjoying is to be brought to people,whereas other opine that it would be q
In this enthusiastic world, museums are being a hot topic. Hence, it is argued that the museums ought to be the places in which opportunities for enjoying is to be brought for people whereas other opine that it would be
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