IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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With the rise of nationalism throughout the world, the pros and cons of international interactions have become a hot topic again. In my opinion, various kinds of contact between countries significantly promote the develo
Some individuals believe that tighter relationship in economy and culture between countries yield many benefits, while other consider that it is detrimental to national diversity. From my perspective, I reckon closer cul
Some claim that the unceasing globalization of business and interaction among cultures exerts advantages to the world, while others believe that such exchanges are likely to cause countries to lose national identities. I
Some opine that the increasing trade and cultural relations between nations bring about numerous positive effects, fostering global cooperation and economic growth, while others argue that this interconnectedness may lea
Business and cultural coperation among nations had been rose dramatically. It is often argued that this is a positive development, whilst others disagree and believe it will lead to adverse ramifications. This essay agre
Globalisation has resulted in more business and cultural contacts among different nations. This also means that in many ways people around the world are becoming more and more similar. This situation has both pros and co
Issues related to the topic are frequently discussed these days. Some people believe that there are many positive developments from cooperating with other countries in terms of business and culture, while others think th
Issues related to business and cultural cooperation among countries are frequently discussed these days. Some people believe that there are many positive developments from cooperating with other countries in terms of bus
Globalization refers to the integration between people, companies and governments on a global scale,many people assert that this phenomenon has a positive effect, while the rest of the people are against it .Both views w
Booming business and cultural interaction within nations bring more benefits as believed by some sections of society; the rest of them think that this phenomenon damages the basic identity of native countries. I complete
Nowadays, globalization has become a heated issue. Whether business and cultural contact play a role in relationships of countries. Some people think that the local citizen benefits from a multicultural society.But the
In this global village, exchanging of business and traditional values have become more common. According to a few, this has many affirmative effects while others think that it has certain drawbacks like losing self-iden
The emergence of globalization helps us plenty of opportunities to have access to culture from many parts of the world. Some people think it is an optimistic possibility to develop national economies as well as broaden m
Undoubtedly, globalization has surged the interaction among the nations which result in better income in technology, medicine and education. In this regard, there is a highly controversial issue among people that intern
Globalization has turned the world into one village. ,,However it is an argued issue whether accelerating commerce as well as a cultural link between diverse nations has more fruitful outcomes or it results in the dearth
The era of globalisation has increased the interdependence between nations and people. The financial and cultural impact of this situation is constantly under discussion, and whilst others may argue that this is benefic
Trade and cultural transactions have become an integral part of the nations.Some feel that such exchanges bring more benefits to the public,whereas there are few who feel that the identity of the individual nation is los
In this contemporary era due to globalisation, businesses and cultures easily share among countries . A number of people opine that the increased field and cultural contact between countries give a positive result, where
Trading plays a crucial role in cultural assimilation. Several individuals deem that enhancing the rate of import and export internationally has a beneficial impact; however, some thinkers opposed this notion as they bel
The escalating of international Trade activities and interaction between nations has boosted economic development and better cultural understanding. However,some people are against that such degradation of culture in an
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