IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is considerable debate about whether homeschooling or attending school is the best environment for a child’s development. From my perspective, both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, but I believe
The debate about whether homeschooling or traditional schooling is better for children is ongoing. Both options have their unique benefits for a child’s growth.
Whilst some caregivers think that home education is better for children as they give more attention for their children more than regular schools,others think that regular education can be more benificial for
One of the most debatable topics of this century is whether educating kids at home is beneficial over sending them to early childhood educational institutions. Many arguments have been made for and against each of these
Many people think that homeschooling children is the best way for their development, while others believe that is necessary for kids to go to school. In my view, enrolling juveniles to school is the best way to teach the
Some people believe that homeschooling is the best teaching method for children while others disagree and think that it is essential to send children to school. This topic should be examined carefully before forming an o
In many particular nations, fast food eateries and malls pay for schools in order to advertise their goods. This writer attempts to shed light on both the merits and demerits of this phenomenon before concluding that the
It is argued that supermarkets and fast food restaurants pay schools for advertising their product. This essay totally disagrees with that statement. I believe young adults and children should have a possibility to make
The competition has become so huge that companies use different strategies to reach customers. Most of them resort to media or the internet to expose their goods. Some processing food restaurants and supermarkets target
It is often argued that the holistic development of a child could be done by educating them at home while others opine that educational centers are best for it. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of both perspect
It is often argued that the holistic development of a child could be done by educating them at home while other opine that educational center are best for it. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of both propective
Whether children should be sent to school or they should be taught at home for their development? While the benefits of home teaching to children include a flexible schedule and a safe learning environment, there are als
It is often agreed that which medium is best studying at home or school on a child's development, which was always debatable and has now become more controversial. It can be agreed strongly upon the fact that this matter
It is often argued by few individuals that teaching children at home is prime for a child's development, however, other people believe that it is essential for children to go to school. This essay will articulate both me
Many individuals think it is best for youngsters' development to learn at home whilst others advocate going to school as being the best choice for them. This essay discusses the merits of both methods and then I will exp
In this contemporary epoch, a certain number of people believe that home is the best place to provide academic education to learners. At the same time, skeptics say that attending schools regularly is vital for students.
It is arguied that homeschooling is better than tipical learning at scholl, for students mature, while others think opposite. Despite, loneliness, from private classes, there are benifits as better marks, and flexible sc
Nowadays, it is the paramount responsibility of children to be taught perfectly to preserve their future. Hence, numerous people certainly argue that the young generation supposedly facilitated learning at home rather th
There is always a debatable topic related to a child's development and many people believe that a child's development is experienced best at home rather than at school while others think the opposite. I believe both the
There are split opinions regarding the methods of teaching children for their development. Some believe that it is good to teach them at home for a better future, whereas, another group of thinkers support that they shou
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