The given line chart compares information about how much money per dollar that 3 various bakeries namely, Amandine, Mari, and Bolo in Calgary could be earned in the period of 1 year from 2000 to 2010.
The provided line graph illustrates the average monthly fluctuation in the values of Copper, Nickel and Zinc over 12 months from January to December of 2014.
The line graph illustrates the amount of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years.It is evident company C as produced more waste especially around the year 2015.
The line graph illustrates the rates of population growth by ages 0-14, 25-37, 38-45, and over 65 between 1950 and 2050, with the data measured in percentages. Overall, it is evident that people with age over 65 and 25-3
The following graph shows the amounts of waste generated by 3 companies during the span of 15 years. It is clear that companies A and B have reduced the amount of waste during these 15 years whereas company C has increas
The graphs illustrate the development area of Brindell between 1800 and 2000. Overall, there were 2 things as the most noticeable transformation of infrastructure construction for the past 2 centuries, such as the build
the illustrated line diagram represents the population of foxes in four californian islands listed Santa Catalina, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa and San Miguel between 1994 and 2004.
The line graph gives information about the distribution of tourists rate which visits a Caribean Island over a period of seven years from 2010 to 2017.
The given diagram provides useful information on the amount of people that have travelled to a Caribbean island and divides them into two groups based on their choise of lodging, during the 7-year time period. Overall, t
The line chart and bar chart illustrate the number of a university’s enrollers in six separate subjects with further breakdown into two genders in 2012.