The given table illustrates the percentage of total expenditure on healthcare in five different nations namely Japan, Italy, Germany, France and the USA in 2002.
The thesis maps demonstrate, the changes that have happened in the country of Stokeford from 1930 TO 2010 . it is clear from that map that there are more housing in 2010
The table depicts the percentage of people with post-secondary education qualification and the rate of employment, along with the average yearly income, in eight countries in Europe in 2015. Overall,
The maps above depict changes of a cinema between 1980 and present. Overall, there are a lot of changes that have been made, such as removing car park, adding the amount of movie theaters, and repositioning of the toilet
The bar chart illustrates data about the average weekly spending by one household in 1968 and 2018. In general, it is evident that in 1968 people spent most of their money on food whereas in 2018 families spent more mone
The map shows the areas of a university campus in 2010. The area of the campus was mainly deserted space with little green area. There was a green park in the middle of the campus consisted of a lake that was surrounded
According to what is shown , in 1930 the town of Stockeford consisted of significant farmland spaces and minority of houses compared to the town in 2010 where many living areas have been built around the town . By lookin
The feedback has 5 different categories first teaching quality second library resources third student services fourth range of modules offered fifth sports and social facilities.