The line graph illustrates the financial aid donated by four organizations to improve facilities in various countries over a three-year period, from 2008 to 2011, measured in billions of dollars.
The pie charts illustrate the reasons that contribute to happiness among two distinct age categories: individuals under 30 and those over 30 years old.
The table depicts the amount of milk production anually in four different countries in two-year intervals from 1990 to 2010. Overall, the Nethelands produced the most milk over the period, yet it was fluctuated. Meanwhil
Overall, the Library has been changed in various ways over the years. Especially, all rooms face with that changing and become contemporary with their new way of purpose.
The pie chart and table given provide information on transportation methods (car, LRT, Bus, and Taxi) and their purpose (commuting to work, shopping, Leisure activities, Taking children to school, and business).
The line graph illustrates the car theft rate per thousand vehicles in four countries (Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada) over a nine-year period from 1990 to 1999.
The chart illustrates the number of four distinct electronic devices (MP3 player, mobile phone, computer, and tablet) owned by households from 1995 to 2015. Overall, it can be seen that the trend for all devices is incre