IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The charts depict the transformation in electrical device holders and the amount of time doing housing in a country between 1920 and 2019. Overall, it can be seen that electrical tools owners showed an upward tendency
There are two given graphs first one shows the Percentage of householders with electtrical appliances between years 1920 to 2019, and the second graph shows the number of hours of housework per week between the years 192
The charts below give statistical information on housework in one country from 1920 to 2019. The first one illustrates the percentage of households with electrical appliances such as washing machine, refrigerator, and va
These charts illustrate the changes of electrical devices' ownership and number of hours doing housework in one country within period of time from 1920 to 2019.
The chart represents the relations between the amount of time spend on housework and the change in pawnshop of electrical appliances from 1920 to 2019.
The line charts represent the difference in the amount of household appliances, including washing machine, refrigerator, and vacuum cleaner, that were owned and the number of hours spent doing house chore per week in a c
The two graphs indicates the variations in the percenteage of the possessing of electrical appliances and the number of hours spending on housework in households for a week in a country from 1920 to 2019.
The first graph displays the percentages of households in one country that owned electrical appliances between 1920 and 2019, while the second graph illustrates how much time the average household in that country spent d
The provided line charts illustrate the percentage of households using three distinct electrical appliances and the number of weekly hours spent doing housework, including washing clothes, preparing meals and cleaning, o
The two graphs provide information on what proportion of changes happened in the usage of electrical appliances by the owner as well as how many hours were spent on household chores in a week from 1920 to 2019.
The two line graphs illustrate the percentage of people in one country owning 3 different electrical appliances while comparing the number of weekly hours dedicated to housework between the years 1920 and 2019. Overall,
The charts provide information about changes in a number of households with electrical appliances and the amount of time contributed to housework per week, over a hundred-year period between 1919 and 2019.
The first line graph shows the percentage of families owning a washing machine, fridge and vacuum cleaner at home between 1920 and 2019, while the second figure illustrates the number of hours that a family engaged in h
The first line graph plots the percentage of homes which had a labor-saving electrical appliance between 1920 and 2019. Three appliances are shown: refrigerator, vacuum cleaner and washing machine. The second line graph
The provided line graphs demonstrate the fluctuations in the usage of electrical gadgets and the time expenditure doing household activities in a country in a life span of 99 years between 1920 till 2029.
The chart show that changes of those electrical appliances have been increasing in households, its will relevant people decreasing number of hours for doing housework. According to chart given below, people are rarely us
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