IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is argued that whether graduates have a gap year before enrolling in a university has a positive influence on them. While some people insist that it is time-wasting, I think this method can give rise to more advantage
In this modern world, it is well-known that many people plan to immigrate to other countries in order to have an opportunity for working and studying. As far as I am concerned, both positives and negatives are reasonable
In this ever-changing world, the issue of whether high school graduates should go on a trip or work compared to directly entering universities is a matter of debate. While there are compelling arguments on the disadvanta
Deciding whether to embark on a period of travel or work before attending university is a choice that comes with advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, the benefits of such a gap year outweigh the drawbacks.
There has been an argument about whether teenagers who graduated from high school should go to study university right away, or should they go for a juorney or have some working some experiences. Some say that having som
A number of individuals argue that high school graduates have to travel or obtain an occupation for a period of time rather than going directly to study at university. From my viewpoint, It can lead to a positive develop
Recently along with those who choose to continue further study in universities after high school graduation, there are a considerable number of young learners deciding to take a gap year for travelling or working before
Nowadays, it is common for pupils to have a break directly after graduating from secondary school to travel or work. This will lead to both advantages and disadvantages, I believe that there will be several positives and
Nowadays, many people who go to school take a break after completing high school or graduating instead of studying directly for higher courses. In my opinion, although there are disadvantages, it still has advantages. Pe
Number of individuals suppose that student, who are intended to attend campus, must be engaged with travelling and part time jobs for considerable duration prior to the higher education, which brings few benefits such as
In this contemporary era, doing free internships are become more often in the education systems for a little while. There are myriad positive outcomes as compared to the negative impact of working free.
In today's society, the education sector plays a vital role in improving the lives of people. In the education process, students need to be enrolled in internships. This process has its own advantages and disadvantages w
It has been observed that teenagers tend to discontinue their studies after completing them, instead of getting accepted into college. This scenario has several advantages and disadvantages, all of which will be discusse
In this day and age, a lot of people opt for travelling or working for a short time instead of going directly to study college after high school. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of both methods.
Doing placement for free of cost while doing studies is needed these days. wheather this graduation process has both benefits and drawbacks, I think pros outweigh the cons. I will discuss in the upcoming paragraphs.
Over recent decades, many societies would like to go abroad. While there are some disadvantages to immigrating, I personally believe the advantages are far more.
These days, there are some students who don't go to the university directly after graduating from high school. Instead of studying for extra years right after finishing high school, they prefer to travel or work for a ce
In the past few days, the topic of whether rich countries should provide economic assistance to poor countries or if other forms of assistance can help solve poverty problems has sparked heated discussions in society. So
The trend of doing work or travelling before going to university is popular among young students in the modern age. There can be a lot of benefits of this phenomenon, however, with some drawbacks too, which will be disc
Recently, there has been a heated debate in the community about whether school leavers should go straight to university or take a gap year to travel or work for a while. In my opinion, both views have advantages and disa
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