IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is believed that one of the best solutions in order to develop a country is free education for six years. Through this, they can do basic things like counting numbers, writing, and reading. I strongly disagree with th
In recent times, people have argued that developing countries should provide six years of free education to reduce poverty. partly agree with this point of view.
There are numerous ways to alleviate the poverty situation in one country. However, for many developing nations, a solution which considered the best is to giving up to six years of non-profit of education in order to gi
In recent times, it is usually believed that the government setting up free learning for six years is the superior way to reduce poverty in developing countries. In my view, I completely agree with this statement because
The most useful step to limit poverty in modern countries is by providing free education for children who their age are up to six years which they can at least write, read and use numbers. In my opinion, I totally agree
Poverty remains a pressing issue in most developing countries, and one proposed solution is a provision of up to six years of free education, aiming to equip individuals with essential literacy and numeracy skills. In my
The increased number of poor people lies at the heart of societal concerns. Some argue that one of the vital ways to address this issue is free education for early ages, resulting in a generation who has basic knowledge,
In the modern world, it is common that many poor regions prioritize in the educational field in order to have an opportunity to go to school without any fee for six years for everyone. I am in complete agreement with thi
Poverty is a major concern for developing nations and is believed to be reduced by providing free primary education. I completely support the viewpoint as it can help in improving literacy rate as well as social life.
It is often argued that making primary schooling free can be fundamental to guaranteeing everyone access to education . Some people believe that it can be considered an effective solution to poverty. In my opinion, I
Nowadays, poverty remains a pressing issue in all developing countries. Some people support the opinion that education should be free to at least read and write, while others are opposed to it. However, I strongly agree
Poverty is the most common problem in many developing nations. Offering free primary education is believed to be the best way to solve this problem, so that people can improve their reading, writing and numbering skills.
Providing discipline freely for up to six years is considered to be the best way to raise their residents' wisdom and knowledge in order to contribute to the evolution of any nation. Although reducing poverty depends on
The question of providing free education for six years to decrease the number of poverty in third-world countries has been a matter of debate for a period of time. While part of people believe that there could be some ec
It is often argued that the best method to alleviate poverty is giving all children in underdeveloped countries a chance to learn and pursue their studies in six years without any fee. In my opinion, I completely agree w
Given the ongoing poverty in underdeveloped countries, a multitude of individuals maintain that the most optimal solution is to provide children with a 6-year education free of charge to eradicate illiteracy and improve
Some people believe that by making a free education system to citizens in developing countries ,especially ,at a first six years of the education, the poverty in them will reduce. I am completely agreee with this stateme
A tuition-free pedagogy for six years is believed to be the most effective solution to combat impoverishment, equipping individuals with basic knowledge of numbers and words. Still, I totally disagree with this statement
The majority of people argue that helping children who cannot read and comprehend basic education classes to achieve a brighter future would enable them to pursue even the most challenging careers, such as becoming docto
Providing free schooling up to six years will enable people how to read, write as well as use number and eventually it will be the foremost procedure to remove poverty from developing nations. I am strongly agree with th
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