IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Environmental crisis has become one of the most alarming issues in the world we live in today. Some people suggest the best way to put an end to environmental issues is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other aut
It is certainly true that by increasing the cost of fuel, the environmental concern in the entire world can be solved by controlling air pollution. I totally agree with this and the justifications are given below.
It is a common belief that the best solution for worldwide environmental problems is increasing the cost of fuel for cars and other transportation. In my view, the issue is that I firmly believe this statement.
Many people believe that increasing the cost of fuel helps with environmental problems. I completely disagree with this statement and in this essay, I will try to present my arguments.
Fuel has become increasingly prevalent in today’s globalized world. Analyzing the ever-increasing demand for fossil fuels, many countries have now slowly started thinking about implementing laws to reduce our dependence
The Internet has become increasingly prevalent in education. Many universities are now offering online courses instead of traditional classrooms. From my perspective, I would contend that any potential advantages of this
One school of thought holds that an increase in petrol prices is the most effective measure to deal with environmental problems that happen worldwide. While I acknowledge the reasons behind this thinking, I am of the opi
Some people believe that increasing the cost of gasoline is the best way to address environmental problems. In this essay, however, I will challenge this school of thought.
It is argued that to escalate environmental troubles is to optimize the cost of the fuel. This essay agree that the solution to environmental troubles is to increase the cost of the fuel. Firstly, increasing the cost of
It has a bunch of reasons about the topic of environmental issues and contamination. It has sparked heated controversies that many people claim increasing fuel fees for private vehicles and other kinds of transport can a
One of the burning issues of today's world is environmental problems like pollution which is the centre of the attention.Some people believe that the cause of this trouble is because the number of cars are increasing. Ho
The over resilience of humanity on fossil fuels and vehicles is linked directly with the exacerbating climatic situation. There exists an idea that by inflating the cost of fuel, indviduals may find it hard to afford the
The cost of vehicles is a hotly debated topic that often divides opinion. While some people believe that maximising the fuel cost is the best way to save money, others think there are also other solutions. I think that,
One school of thought holds that increasing the cost of fuels is the best method for solving the world’s environmental problems. However, in this essay, I will challenge this proposal by showing its limitations as well a
One of the major associated of world’s environmental problems it’s primarily caused by overconsumption of fossil fuels. The most argued solution to fix this issue is increasing the price of fuel and with that reducing th
Is setting a higher the price of fuel is the most effective way to solve the world's enviromental issues? I disagree with that statment because it's not solving the problem. People will choose to accept the price increa
It is true that these days, the world’s polluted environment is the biggest issue. Raising fuel prices is believed to be the most optimal method to solve environmental problems. From my point of view, although this appro
It is argued that the vital way to tackle the global environmental issue is to push up petrol, oil, and natural gas. While I agree that this method could solve temporarily in the short-term, I personally encourage raisin
Over the past few years, environmental pollution is considered as a big issue which has a negative influence on the ecosystem. Increasing the price of gasoline is regarded as a best way to tackle the situation of envirom
In the modern day, numerous people believe that it is more beneficial to increase the price of fuel for all means of transportation to cope with environment-related issues. I argue that although this solution can bring a
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