This report derives from a bar chart which illustrates the Number of males and femals from diferent generatia do Some exercise for thier body they live in Australia in 2010 . Overall , There was a different age groups f
he bar chart illustrates the percentage of Australians engaging in regular physical activity in 2010, categorized by gender (male and female) and six distinct age groups.
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of both male and female people in six different age groups in Australia doing regular physical activity in 2010.
While the first bar chart illustrates the growth of the population in England and Wales for three centuries beginning from 1700, the second block delineates the details regarding births and deaths for the same period. Th
The bar graph above delineates the total percentage of men and women in Australia who did physical activities in the year 2010, based on their age group.
The diagram below is representing the percentage of Australians pursuing physical activity, in 2010, in different age group and different genders. It illustrates that although the rate of active women was almost constant
The bar charts illustrate about two types of TV shows in Australia, reality shows and game shows, liked to watch by male and female and four different groups of age 16-24, 25-34, 35-44, above 45. Overall, the percentage
The given bar charts illustrate extensive information regarding the percentages of individuals who prefer to watch reality shows or game shows in terms of gender and age in Australia.
The bar chart illustrates the regular physical activity had been participated of males and females in different age groups of the ratio of Australia in 2010.
The graph illustrates the amount of physical activity done on a regular basis by Australian people, sorted according to their genders and ages in the year 2010.