IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The bar chart illustrates the distribution of male and female educators employed in six different educational sectors in the UK in the year 2010.
The bar chart demonstrates the proportion of genders eating more than five portions of produce in one day by age group in the United Kingdom in 2006.
The 4 diverse pie charts compare data about the percentage of men and women who are working in 3 various items in 2 Differents countries( A and B).
The provided circle graph illustrates the amount of both male and female workers in two countries wich are named county A and country B .
The charts below shows the percentage of two genres of TV programmes watched by male and female in Australia.
This report derives from the listed bar chart which enumerates the comparison of working hours of men and women per week in Australia in the time period of 2007. The unit of measurement is percentage.
The charts below give detailed information about percentage of male and female students of various age groups in Australia who were enrolled in full- time and part- time education in 2006.
The chart provides information about world health institution said that people should eat minimum five fruits per day, diagram illustrates the number of two gender in United Kingdom with given ages in 2006.
The provided bar charts illustrate the proportion of two sort of various TV programmes,which are called reality and game shows that are watched by men and women in all ages in Australia.
The given bar charts demonstrates details on the percentage of two types of telivision programmes, which are reality and game shows watched by males and females in different age groups in Australia, It is clear that fema
The bar chart compares the proportion of male and female students of numerous ages who studied in Australia for full-time and part-time training in 2006.
The pie graphs illustrate the proportion of workers' gender, which includes service, agriculture, and industry, in country A and country B.
The bar chart compares information about the percentage of boy and girl students from different classes who were given an education in Australia for diverse types of time in 2006.
The diagrams compare information about the percentage of people ( men and women) who were arrested for six different reasons in the United Kingdom from 2015 to 2020.
The bar chart below displays information about the proportion of teachers in six various kinds of educational settings in the UK in 2010.
Contained in the charts is information pertaining to the proportion of workers in three fields broken down by gender in two different countries.Overall, it can be seen that Service was the field most labour workers joine
The chart depicts the proportion of individuals of both genders who did diversified spare time activities in England. The units are measured in percentage.
The bar chart describes information about the proportion of overweight men and women in Australia, over the course of 30 years, beginning in 1980.
The bar chart indicates the proportion of men and women between 18 and 20 in a urban who participated in diverse activities in a month in 2015
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