The bar chart below illustrates the levels of air pollution in four countries, which are China, the United States, Japan, and Australia, in 2021. There are three causes: electricity generation, transport, and industry. U
The bar chart illustrates the different levels of air pollution categorized into three factors, electricity generation, transport and industry, among four countries in 2021.
The charts indicate air pollution levels in 2021 separate from four different countries and have three main reasons industry, transport and electricity generation.
The provided chart gives information about the number of levels air pollution among four countries in 2012. Namely China, America, Japan and Australia.
The presented bar graph presents information about the comparison of air pollution levels in the company of four countries in 2012, with a focus on three main sources: electricity generation, transport and industry.
The given bar diagram represents the developing countries and their pollution level also the bars in the chart differ and illustrate the causes for pollution. (electricity generation, Transport, Industry)
The given bar diagram represents the developing countries and its pollution level also the bars in the chart differ and illustrates the causes for pollution. (electricity genereation, Transport, Industry)
The given bar charts is showing the four developing countries' three different air pollutant causes in the given period of 2021. It seemed that industries are the main contributors to CO2 emissions for all participants.
The pictures illustrate the conditions of air pollution in Japan, China, Australia, and the USA caused by the usage of electricity generation, vehicles, and industrial activities. It can be clearly seen that Australia ha
The given bar chart compares the air pollutant factors in four highly developed countries: China, America, Japan, and Australia in the given period of 2021. It can be seen that, fumes released by transportation was the b
The bar chart illustrates the air pollution caused by three different levels such as electricity generation, transport, and industry in four nations in the 2021 year.
The chart gives some data about (the degrees) of pollution types which causes according to various reasons in Japan, America, China, Australia in 2021. These causes were illustrated like transport, electricity generation