IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There has been an increasing number of tourists and English is a significantly useful language in its industry. Some believe that English will be the dominant language because it is a universal language and as a result,
The text is an op-ed from 2010, published in the British magazine ‘The Observer’. Due to this, it is aimed at a British audience, who are likely left-leaning, as the Observer is known for its centre-left stance. The purp
In the era of globalisation and modern technologies widely English language. Furthermore, it is an international and general language in the world.
It is true that English is an important language connecting most humans in dissimilar areas. Some people believe that English becoming the only used language globally. Even though it sounds to be beneficial, there is ano
Language is an important tool for human communication and understanding. The English language is one of the international languages and most people use it as their first language for talking. Visitors are one of the mai
With globalisation, English is becoming widely spoken in most nations. While some people believe, If this trend continues to grow worldwide, it will be the only dialect used to communicate by the world's population. Eve
In this contemporary era, English has been widely accepted as the main language to communicate with dwellers of different places. A significant proportion of the masses are having a viewpoint that English will overtake a
The develop promoter of sightseeing had view that the English language become the most comment one in hole the world . it is thought this will result in English becoming the national way to communication in the coming ye
In the modern world, a large number of foreigners tend to believe that the English language is the most significant language in the globe, and should only use this language to speak worldwide. However, there are those w
Today's society has witnessed an increase in English usage. Many people hold the belief that English would be the only language used by everyone from all over the world. From my perspective, I believe this can help acces
In the contemporary era, everyone thinks that tourists have increased the value of the English language worldwide. Some people think that it is beneficial for individuals and has changed their lives. However, others thin
Nowadays, tourism all around the globe has increased drastically. Leading the population to explore new languages and different cultures, but some people argue that this has led the English language to gain popularity ar
English is an international language. The importance of the English language is so high. People learn English when they travel abroad to see the beautiful scenery and culture of that country. Visitors do not know that co
The improvement of tourism contributed to the English language becoming the most prominent one in the world. Some individuals think that it will cause to English turn into the only language to be spoken globally. I belie
The improvement of tourism contributed to English language becoming the most prominent one in the worldwide. Some individuals think that it will cause to English turning into the only language to be spoken globally. I be
In the present day and age, the globalization of the English language is increasing rapidly. A major percentage of people presume that in the near future, this development can lead to using only one language all around
The English language is going to be the majority language in the world due to tourism development, and many people consider that it is possible to use English as the one global language. There are some benefits from tha
Tourism growth has helped English to become the most famous language worldwide. Individuals suggests that English will become the only spoken language internationally. In this essay, I would be discussing the advantages
In this age of changing, English as a global lingua franca facilitates cross-cultural communication. As a result many other lesser known languages are die every year. A group of people thought that English will be only i
It is a well known fact that tourism has contributed world economies in a positive way, in which the universal lanaguage "English" is also playing an important role. English has become a prominent language through touri
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