IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is a well known fact that tourism has contributed world economies in a positive way, in which the universal lanaguage "English" is also playing an important role. English has become a prominent language through touri
Well, there is no doubt that english become very common language nowadays as people can easily increase their business at global level if they know english .Nevertheless ,due to this ,some people forget their moral and t
It is thought by some people that English, which is now the most widely spoken speech would predominate over all the other languages which are being spoken in different parts of the universe and result in their eventual
Nowadays, English is becoming the most commonly spoken language globally. An increase in the tourism is in one way or the other, contributing for English to becoming a common medium. If English becomes the only prominent
There are different opinions about the improvement process of the English language. Some people believe that the development of tourism features can contribute to the english become the best method of speaking in the wor
It is thought by some that English which is used commonly by people through the tourism industry, may turn into the only language that people speak in the whole world. Having one language could bring some benefits but it
It is thought by some people that English has been become widely the only international language those people speak around the world. Having one speech like English which is much easier than other languages, there are ma
It is thought some people, one the day there will be a single language – English, which is now widely spoken in the world. Having one language have its own merits and demerits.
Generally, English as known as International Language and mostly used by people around the world. That makes English becoming the most prominent language in the world right now. And because of that, there are the advanta
The English is the most commun language in the worldwide although private school , tourism's and even online applications of learning English ,but we can not deny their cons and pros in the whole word.
There is no denying the fact that the main impact of having one spoken language is arguable. While it is a commonly held belief that with the increase in travelling, English has become very popular. In this essay, I shal
Over the past few decades, There are significant changes in the field of tourism. It is a public opinion that-, English provides more development in tourism in the world. While others say that-, there will be only one l
Nowadays, owing to the growth of tourism, English has become the order of the day around the globe. It is opined that, in future, the single linguistic communication which would be spoken in the world is English. This es
developing a tourism industry has made an assist to the English language to be the main popular speaking language all over the world. Some individuals are of belief that this phenomenon will contribute to having English
The popularity of English brought about by the flourishing tourism industry has provoked a thought that the language would become the only lingua franca in the world. Although acquiring one global language is advantageou
Is thought by some people that English, which is now the most widely spoken language in the world, may one day take over all other languages and result in their eventual disappearance. Having one language would certainly
English becoming the most used dialect in the world of developing tourism. This will lead English to become only used in global speech in the opinion of some communities. There are advantages and disadvantages to this s
It is true that tourism is developping theese days . At the same time English becoming the most crucial language in the world . As for as I can tell this will lead to Enlish be the only will language to be spoke
In the present age, there has been much discussion revolving around the issue of whether advanced tourism nowadays would lead to English becoming the only language spoken around the world. Some people would assert that t
There is a debate going on whether the English language will become the only language that people will speak globally. In my opinion this will not be the case, but even if it is I think this would be great for the whole
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