IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Tourism is important factor for a country’s economy, which attracts people from all over the world. English has been considered/developed into the most important language in the world where a few sections of society
In recent times, some folks predict that English will be the only worldwide spoken language due to tourism growth. However, certainly, It has some advantages such as more opportunities and economic development, but it al
placed on the opinion that the advent of tourism is a determining factor propelling English into the most common language in the world. Therefore, a lot of people’s perspectives suppose that this phenomenon will lead to
In this day and age, more and more contemporary attention has been placed on the opinion that the advent of tourism is a determining factor propelling English into the most common language in the world. Therefore, a lot
As a part of globalisation, English has become the most widely spoken language around the world. While there are many benefits to using English as a global language, it also has some negative effects.
On the effect of tourism, English has become the most prominent language used in the world and it is expected to replace all other languages. This essay will analyse the benefits and drawbacks of having only one internat
It is often argued that in poor countries, secondary education should be limited to only those pupils who could find a job easily. I completely agree with the statement because wasting time for higher studies would make
Over the last century, English has become more and more popular day by day. This popularity has lead to a common belief that, soon English will be the only language used for communication by mankind. This essay intends t
As evolution in the tourism department has led to the bombardment of the English language worldwide, many believe that this will result in it becoming the official language everywhere. This essay will discuss the merits
As evolution in the tourism department has led to the bombardment of the English language worldwide, many believe that this will result in it becoming the official language everywhere. This essay will discuss the benefit
Due to an increase in the tourism industry. English is becoming an important language all over the world. However, some people think that English will become a widely spoken language. There are some benefits and negative
In this era of globalization, tourism contribute to english becoming the most prominent language in the world . The tourism is backbone of every country .Due to overcrowd of english tourism many people argue that it will
Nowadays, Tourism is a booming industry. The advancement of tourism has given popularity to the English language all over the world. Few people believe that this will contribute to English becoming the only global langu
Recently, tourism has encouraged humans around the world to agree on one international language for communication. English has become the most prominent language in the world, whereas some people reject this idea because
Recently, tourism has encouraged humans around the world to agree on one international language in communication. English has become the most prominent language in the world, whereas some people reject this idea because
Tourism development, has contributed to English language becoming a well-known dialect in the world. Some individuals think that this could lead to English becoming the only spoken language worldwide. Having one language
As globalization has increased the requirement for communicating worldwide has become an important issue. Some people think that English as an international language have advantage, other believe it will be disadvantagi
As globalization has increased the requirement for communicating worldwide has become an important issue. Some people think that English as an international language has an advantage, others believe it will be disadvanta
Some people belive that the rapid development of the tourisum industry around the world will be led English to the next level. They think that the English wiil be the only language spoken in the world in near future.This
It is widely argued by a few people that the style English is gaining prominence due to the vast increase in tourism all over the world, which will pave way for it to be the only jargon everyone will speak. In my opinion
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