IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The diagram illustrates how instant noodles are produced and packed for sellig process in stores in 8 stages, wich i am going to explain in this essay.
The diagram below illustrates the steps involved in the production of the noodles. There are 8 stages in the production, from the flour storage to the final product.
The flow chart illustrates the way in which noodles are formulated. The essay describes the main features and procedure.
The diagram above illustrates the steps involved in the production of instant noodles. The entire process consists of 8 main stages and takes place in an instant noodle factory.
The provided diagram illustrates the instant noodle manufacturing process, detailing each stage involved in its production. Additionally, the names of the machines employed in these processes are provided below. Let me s
The given figure illustrates the manufacturing process of noodles. Overall, there are a total of 8 steps. In the first step, flour is stored in huge buildings called silos. Similarly, after passing through different stag
This diagram depicts the manufactured of instant noodles. It is clear From the graph that the manufacturing Process take 8 Steps before go to the supermarkets.
The flow chart illustrates the detailed process of producing instant noodles. Overall, the whole process involves eight steps, with the former five steps making noodles and the latter three mainly for packaging.
The diagram illustrates the manufacturing process of instant noodles. Overall, it is 8 main steps that starts with flour, the main ingredient, being delivered and stored in silos. The dough is a mixture of flour, water a
the diagram illustrates the way that instant noodles are made from flour to being solid in 8 steps which are ready to eat by customers.
this figure illustrates the process of producing instant noodles, it has been clearly seen material is made of flour which is stored in silos.
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