IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The number of vehicles in the United Kingdom has increased drastically. Hence, in the contemporary era, it is often argued that individuals should use other ways to commute, and countries all over the world should come t
There are millions of vehicles moving around the globe for the ease of life since the first time a car arrived in this world. It is true that we should keep looking for alternative and environment-friendly modes of trans
In modern society, transportation becomes one of the most essential needs. Therefore, the number of people who own a private car has been increasing dramatically. However, there are various problems that happened by this
In the past years, there was a dramatic increase of demands and numbers of vehicles. Some people support on encouraging alternative forms of transport and introducing laws to control car ownership and use. From my perspe
In modern ,society transportation became one of the most essential needs. Therefore, the demand for owning a car grows immensely. With the growing number of cars, air pollution also increased to an intolerable level. As
Nowadays cars are an important part of our everyday life. In the last years, due to easier mobility, the demand for cars has increased. But with the growing environmental conscience, many alternative laws and strategies
In our contemporary life, it has always been a controversial issue over whether the government should impose international laws and alter forms of transport to the restrictions of purchasing automobiles and the operation
In our contemporary life, it has always been a controversial issue over whether the government should lay down international laws and alter forms of transport to control car ownership and use in British in 1980. As far a
Due to the advancements of technology, the last century saw a great rise in the number of cars on roads. This trend has numerous negative impacts on our society and its inhabitants; therefore, I completely agree with the
There has been an enormous increase in the number of automobiles since the first car has arrived in the year 1888. It is considered that the government should add some new rules and regulations for the use of a car and i
In my opinion, due to the worsening of global warming effect day after day, the notion of diversifying myriads types of transportation should be highlighted and implemented to people's mind by setting new laws to control
The first automobile appeared back in the UK in 19th century and their amount continued to grow, eventually reaching 29 million in 2000. This trend is worrying and causes many problems for the environment and people, so
The effectiveness of using a personal car as primary transport is debatable. Some people believe that it is much more effective to use an alternative mode of transport than personal transport. This essay will discuss why
The effectiveness of using personal car as a primary transport is debatable. Some people believe that it is much more effective to use alternative mode of transport than personal transport. This essay will discuss why al
Transportation and commuting is an imperial part of our lives. Be it cars, buses, trains or bikes, they are all integral and makes life easier for everyone. State governments are ensuring people are provided with the bes
The need for transportation expanded over time because of the growing human population and the need for building big cities. To a certain extent, I agree that alternative transport systems need to be encouraged and new
When cars were new and rare, they were the popular means of transportation, due to the advantages they could offer. However,due to the overcrowding of cities, cars might not be the quickest means to reach places anymore
In this contemporary world the purchase and use of the personal vehicle are rapidly increasing. Back in 1888 on British roads people had a glimpse of first car, Now moving ahead by the time the number of vehicle on Briti
Number of vehicles that are on British Roads have grown exponentially over the past hundred years.This increase has caused, not only in transportation but also environmental challenges.Governments all across the globe ar
Utilization of cars is increasing by leaps and bounce between 1888 and 2000 on British roads by 29 million, although the government had introduced legislation of car controls by owners. However, I agree about the stateme
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