This graph depicts the ratio of overseas visitors to three areas in Europe from 1987 to 2007. It is clear from the line chart that most visitors prefer the coast.
The line graph illustrates how many overseas tourists who visited three different areas in a European country from 1987 to 2007. Units are measured in percentages.
The given line graph provides the number of tourists who visited three different locations in Europe during period from 1987 and 2007.The data presented in thousands.
The chart below illustrates the number of tourists who have visited the coast,the mountains and the lakes in a specific European nation between 1987 and 2007.
This graph gives information about the changes in the number of foreign visitors in a country between 2 periods to three places, the coast, the mountains, and the lakes. In general, the visits to these places have increa
The given graph illustrtaes the number of foreigh tourists to three various parts, including the coast, the mountains and the lakes, of a Europen country, from 1987 to 2007.
The line chart illustrates the number of foreign tourists who visit three areas (the coast, mountains, and lakes) in the countries around Europe from 1987 to 2007. The data is presented in thousands.
The provided line graph illustrates the trends in foreign tourism to three European nations over the period span of twenty years( from 1987 to 2007). The data is measured in thousands.
The line graph illustrates how many international tourists visited three tourist destinations in one European country for two decades, from 1987 to 2007. At a glance, all of the tourist destinations experienced an increa
This graph shows the 3 different places in European country between 1987 and 2007 comparison with their visitors. It is clear from the graph the number of people who visit the coast was the highest one in 2007 where they
The line graph presents the number of overseas calls that were visiting European countries with a range of time of 20 years from 1987 to 2007 with the other variables of different ranges visited, such as the coastline, m
The graph illustrates the figure of foreign visitors to dissimilar areas in a European country which feature The coast, The mountains, and The lakes, in five different years.
The line graph illustrates how many travelers come came 1to three areas: the coast, the mountains, and the lakes in a European country from 1987 to 2007. Overall, there was an increase in three different areas. 2 It is c