IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The graph illustrates the number of publishments that were used in four months of the 2014 year in 4 libraries. However, axis Y shows how many books were taken, while axis X presents a period of time.
The given line graph displays the number of books that were borrowed from the four different libraries in the months of June, July, August, and September in year 2014, and the pie chart depicts distinct percentages of th
Illustrating in two graphics is information comparing the proportion of the book that was borrowed in terms of categories from four distinct village libraries between June and September and the amount of books these libr
The line graph illustrates the quantity of books borrowed in 4 distinct months of 2014 in the 4 libraries in a village, while the next pie chart contains data pertaining to 5 specific types of borrowed book in the aforem
contained in the given line graph is the quatity of books borrowed from June to September whislt the pie chart illustrated the proportion of distinct types of books in 2014.
The line graph highlights data about how many books were loaned out from four libraries, over a four-month period from June to September 2014, whereas the pie chart illustrates information about the proportions of books
the line graph illustrate the number of books which are borrowed by people of four different village from libraries in 4 various month in 2014.
The given line graph illustrates how many books lent in four months from June to September and different four village libraries over the period of 2014.
The graph illustrates how many books were lent in four different rural libraries over the period of 4-months from June to September in 2014. and the pie chart illustrates the proportion of records, by type, that were bor
The line graph provides data about how many books were borrowed out from four libraries, over a four-month period from June to September 2014, whereas the pie chart illustrates information about the proportions of books
The picture below delineates the number of books borrowed from West Eaton, Ryesip, Sutton Wood and Church Mounth libraries in the span of 4 months, starting from June to September.
The line graph illustrates the amount of books lent from four different libraries such as West Eaton, Ryeslip, Sutton Wood, and Church Mount during the period of June upto September 2023.
The given line charts show the numbers of books borrowed from four libraries in the June up to September. The four reading-places describe above are West Eaton, Ryeslip, Sutton Wood and Church Mount, each of them are ill
the line chart illustrates the total number of books borrowed from four libraries between june and september.
The graph compares four libraries based on their number of borrowed books over a recorded period of time.
The line chart illustrates how many books were borrowed from June to September in 2014 from four different village libraries pand the pie graph shows the ratio of genres of books that borrowed from these libraries. Overa
The line graph illustrates the number of books borrowed from four village libraries in four different months in 2014 and the diagram shows the proportion of types of books borrowed over this time.
The line graph illustrates the number of books that were rented between June and September in 2014 from four village libraries, while the pie chart gives data on the percentage, by genre, in four-month period.
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