IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Overall, the chart shows that the percent of the food is more than other items with men and women. However, the percent of the food of the boys and the girls have almost less than the other items. This means that the adu
The table illustrates the percentages of the consumption on 4 usual items in the United Kingdom in 1998.
The table provides data about the proportion of income spent on food, electronic equipment, music and videos in the United Kingdom in 1998.
The present table gives information about the amount of earnings by adults and children to use up 4 regularly things (food electronic equipment, music and videos) in the UK in 1998.
The table illustrates the percentage of humans who spent their salary on food, electronic equipment, music and videos in the United Kingdom in the year 1998.
The table, which depicts great detail, provides information about the monetary percentiles invested in a selection of 4 different elements by different population sectors along the 365 days that constituted the year 1998
The table below illustrates the four spending categories dan the propotion spent between UK adults and children in 1994.
The table describes different groups of people's purchasing of four ordinary options, namely: food, electronic equipment, music and videos in the United Kingdom during the 1998. The items are measured in percentages.
The given table chart represents information on expenditures of children and adults on four prevalent goods in percentages, in the UK in the year 1998.
The supplied table illustrates the percentage of income which was spent on four items (food, electronic equipment, music, and videos) by adults and children in the UK in 1999.
The given table illustrates the comparison of different age groups used up their income for 4 common items in the UK in 1998.
The picture illustrates the rates of spending money by adults (men and women) and children (boys and girls) in the UK on 4 common goods in 1998. The items include food, electronic equipment, music and videos. Overall, th
The given table represents the proportion of money spent on 4 common items by adults and children in the UK in 1998.
The table diagram illustrates the percentages of income,which was spent on food,electronic equipment,music and videos in the UK in 1998.
The table illustrates how adults and children use their money with a particular distribution of food, electronic equipment, music and videos in UK during 1998.
This table graph illustrated information about consumer expenditures in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Turkey in three several categories in the year 2002.
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