IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The table chart shows that from 7:30 to 10:30 O'clock the coffe shop has served more pastries in addition cooffee than the other menu, I think its beacuse in the morning people love to drink a coffee with a few pastries
The table illustrates the sales of products that a coffee shop in an office building made. Overall, coffee was the most popular product, followed by pastries while tea was the least common. The earliest morning seemed to
The table illustrates information about the month of sales of four items(Caffee, Tea, Pastries, and Sandwiches), times between7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. in coffee shop in an office building on a regularly weekday.
The table illustrates the amount of certain foods and beverages that is sold at various time in a coffee shop in an office building. Overall, it shows that the sold item is dominated by coffee, followed by pastries, sand
The table illustrates the changes in the households based on types of households and family in Canada in the years 1984, 1994, 2004, 2014 and 2020.
The given table chart illustrates the proportion of consumption in each product group and in each time group.
The table depicts the comparison of the total amount of selling in a coffee shop in a day. It can be clearly seen that coffee is the most favorite compared to other items.
The table gives us a calculation about 4 different products a coffee shop offers on a weekday. Overall, most employees love to drink coffee for the whole day compared to the others. However, tea is categorized as the low
The cross section table underneath compares the number of products like coffe, tea, pastries and sandwiches sold on a particular day by a coffee shop located in an office building.
The table illustrates the number of four products sold by a coffee shop between different time ranges in an office building on a typical weekday.
The table illustrates the sales of the products by a coffee shop in an office building on a particular weekday.
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