IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The given line diagram illustrates and compares the rate of vehicle’s robbery per thousand vehicles in Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada from 1990 to 1999.
The world has witnessed brilliant minds over a period of time. This is a resultant of excellent teachings they have achieved with the help of their mentors however, nowadays, choosing a career as an educator especially
Teachers play an important role in a person's life. Nowadays, it has been seen that fewer people choose to teach especially in high schools. This essay will focus on the various reasons for the same and provide its solut
Teachers play an important role in a person's life. Nowadays, it has been seen that very less people choose teaching as their profession especially in high schools. This essay will focus on the various reasons for the sa
Teachers are the foundation of any nation because they have the capability to make child civilized, and polished. It is said by some individuals that it is observed in many countries that these days people do not
It is undeniable that profession in pedagogy has not remained as popular as it used to be. Therefore, a large vaccum has been created in the education sector as every year only a few number of people are getting interest
A decade ago, people tend to choose teaching as an occupation, however now this trend is dramatically decreasing in many countries.In this paragraph, we will discuss both the drawbacks and their respective solution.
A decade ago, people tend to choose teaching as occupation, however now this trend is dramatically decreasing in many this paragraph, we will discuss both the drawbacks and their respective solution.
The Nowadays popularity of educator is decreasing and less people wish to be a teacher.In my view, there are some main causes of this.
The Nowadays popularity of educator is decreasing and less people wish to be teacher.In my view, there are some main causes of this.
Nowadays popularity of educator is decreasing and less people wish to be teacher.In my view, there are some main causes of this.
The education system has changed drastically in the past few years. There is a huge decrease in the number of people applying for the jobs in the teaching profession, especially, for high schools. In this essay, I will d
"Harry Potter and the secret chamber" is the second film saga that has been written by J.K.Rowling. It is one of the most entertaining fiction films that T have ever seen. It has lots of special effects and stars Daniel
These days fewer people are interested in becoming high school teachers in many countries. Many reasons contribute to this trend and low wages for teachers and teenage disciplinary problems are most significant among the
The issue of future profession has always aroused heated debates among graduates from linguistic faculties. According to the statistics a small fraction of alumni in the modern society choose teaching at secondary school
A generation ago, teaching in a high school was considered an extremely well-respected and popular job, and in some countries this is still true. However, in many parts of the world, there has been a sharp drop in the nu
Nowadays, digital era has boosted the labour market to become more and more diverse; however, it also brings out challenges for each person to seek an ideal and suitable employment. In many nations around the world, the
Teaching has always been one of the most respectable professions in the world. However, nowadays a lower number of adults prefer a career in school education especially working with teenagers. This essay will examine th
A generation ago, teaching in a high school was considered an extremely well-respected and popular profession, and in some countries this is still true. However, in many parts of the world, there has been a sharp drop in
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