IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, the number of visitors who would rather visit areas that have difficult conditions like the Sahara desert is increasing. The positive points of this phenomenon are boosting the economy of the places and learnin
Extreme destinations like Sarah and antartica are becoming tourist attractions these days. However, this leads to certain merits and drawbacks to those places as well as to tourists themselves. This essay will discuss th
It is irrefutable that globalisation has provided the access to most remote places on the planet. A few years ago, visiting places like Sahara or the Antarctic was supposed to be a distant dream, but nowadays, everyone i
Nowadays people are able to travel around the world thanks to convenient transportation. They even can go to an isolated island, desserts or ice-land in only few hours. People enjoy traveling and sightseeing the place th
In the present world, travelling to various places has become a habit and a way of recreation for many individuals. Though tourism to deserted, uninhabited zones is challenging, it offers a plethora of advantages as well
In recent times,tourism has become a frequent activity among all the age groups and most of them prefer adventurous trips compared to other types of trips as it is exciting and also relaxing.However,there are always fac
Sense of adventure has always been a driving force for mankind; And nowadays, the craze for extremely hazardous but adventurous places is rising among a few tourists. As good as it sounds for the emerging genre of touris
Nowadays travelling across the world is becoming enormously popular.Distinct places like Sahara dessert or Antarctic are being visited by people where the climate is crucial. However, this argument can have both pros a
In this age of globalisation, where numerous people across the globe wants to spend their leisure time in popular places like Switzerland, there is a host of people who loves adventure and go to places where the conditio
Over recent year, traveling became easier and most of people planning to visit new countries in their vacations, some of them like adventures and exploring places extraordinary with difficult conditions, I strongly belie
In the modern world, most of the people are concerned about their physical fitness. They love to go for trekking on mountains, desert safari, etc. As of result of which, a majority of people visit places where conditions
Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people travelling to uncommon places like Sahara desert or the Antarctic. Majorly they are driven by passion and fond of creating vivid memo
Travelling has always been considered a life changing experience. There has been a burgeoning trend in exploring areas which are not very travel friendly like the Sahara desert and the Antartica. This essay will elucidat
In the modern world, historic monuments and natural landscapes has always attracted people from different parts of the world. Nowadays, people have taken a step further by visiting places where the forces of nature are
Nowadays, travellers are paying visits to deserted regions. As much as there are many advantages to doing this,there are also drawbacks which include the period of draught experiences there and extreme cold which can lea
Human beings are a curious species and have always been seeking the unknowns. It is no surprise that tourists are visiting less charted territories more often when compared to the past. This essay discusses advantages an
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