IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The popularity of exploring rural areas is growing nowadays, which prompt both positive and negative effect to local area. While the incremental tourists could boost local economic, the pollution caused by human-activiti
There is no doubt that these days many tourists tend to traveling to difficult places and contain risks places increasingly . the question is , how tourists travel to complex cities and high risk places? Some people beli
Nowadays, many people have a trend to travel significantly valuable places around the world than before. However, there are lot of advantages and drawbacks about travel. In this essay I would explore both sides of touris
Nowadays, peoples are loving travel, In our busy life visiting places give more mind relax and happy. Part of the people decide small areas go to visit, another part of people go to tour different areas such sahara deser
With the extreme conditions are becoming more and more common, many researchers tend to choose to work or study in such places, or just for sightseeng. There are some benefits and drawbacks that should be concered.
Over the last two or three decades. the tourism sector has been revolutionzing due to the globalaisation. As a result, the explorer are visited to the rare places like Sahara desert and Antartic. This has some benefits a
There is a current trend among visitors to visiting places which are dangerous like the Sahara Desert or the Antarctic. Tourism in these places has both advantages and drawbacks for people who choose to visit. It sometim
These days, there is a growing number of visitors exploring difficult tourist destinations. The main benefits of this phenomenon are attracting new foreign tourists and creating new income sources for locals. However, th
In this concurrent world, it is undoubtedly true that tourism has become very popular everywhere.Some people concur that tourism to places with extreme climate conditions has many drawbacks. However, I quibble with them
Tourism is one the best way to generate income for the local society ,however, sometimes it can be dangerous visiting places like Antarctica where the temperature is minus and need various precautions.
In recent times places with miserable states have become attractive to tourists and they are going to visit these sights like the Sahara desert or Antarctica. In my opinion, these activities have both advantages and disa
in today's world, there are lots of different kinds of tours for extraordinary places such as Sahara or Antarctica. people who visit such places live extremely high feelings. this essay will discuss the benefits and disa
Currently, destinations with harsh environmental condition, such as Sahara Desert, are becoming increasingly appealing to visitors around the worlds. this essay will discuss the possible gains and the undesirable outcome
There are a lot of travellers that want something unique when they are visiting a place. Today, They are coming to extreme sites such as Sahara or Antarctica. Those sites will give them some benefits or impacts on local
In the contemporary era, a big amount of tourists wish to visit areas with hard climates, e.g. Sahara or Antractica. This travels may have advantegous on the one hand and drawbacks on the other hand, in the following pra
At present, a considerable number of tourists are selecting many more difficult places to visit even if it has both pros and cons. They may able to increase their experience in such places and may able to touch the sense
Travelling to different places is a hobby for many people, who love adventure. They always want to discover difficult and the hardest places like Antarctica or the Sahara desert. In my opinion, visiting that kind of area
After the pandemic, many people want to travel more and the number of tours have been increased a lot. More people want to travel to difficult conditions like Sahara desert or antarctica. There are many benefits and disa
Lately, a lot more people have been interested in exploring regions such as the Sahara Desert or the Antarctic, where the environmental conditions aren't ideal. Just like how there are two sides to a coin, visiting such
There is no doubt that our planet is a very interesting place that does not run out of new areas to explore. Nowadays, there are an increasing number of people going to sites with harsh conditions like the Sahara desert
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