IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is thought by some people that students these days should learn how to survive financially in their schools. I agree with this aspect and the reasons will be outlined in the following paragraphs before reaching a con
It is believed that in todays rapidly changing world, the importance of teaching financial literacy in educational organisations cannot be overstated. I strongly agree with the given opinion, as students will learn how t
Nowadays, learning institutions ought to educate their students to be able to live financially in the present society. I strongly agree with this view.
Nowadays, people hold the belief that teachers are responsible for learning pupil financial techniques in order to put their best in their daily lives and specifically in their future careers. I totally agree with this s
Over recent decades, many people have been trying to develop attitudes towards expenditure. There are some arguments both and against training children in economics. Personally, I agree with the idea that due to the prog
The educational framework must add way to survive financially in the modern world.Students spend most of their time in schools learning non important cognitions, which will be useless in the future. From my point of view
Teaching students about financial literacy is crucial for their future success and well-being. In today's world where financial decisions are being increasingly complex, it is essential to equip students with the knowled
I completely agree that schools should teach students about financial survival in today's world. The world has changed immensely, and the knowledge and skills required to navigate the current financial landscape are extr
School is an integral part of learning as students spend most of their time there. Some people argue that it is important for schools to teach their students how to survive financially in the world today. In my point of
In today's world, there is a prevalent argument advocating for the integration of financial survival skills into the school curriculum. I strongly believe that acquiring knowledge and skills in financial management is an
Nowadays, a lot of people think that todays schools need to teach their students about financial literacy in everyday life, so as not to struggle with financial problems in the future. From my perspective, I strongly agr
The main concern these days is whether schools should teach students how to survive financially in the contemporary world. The majority of people concur with the statement, and so do I. Subsequently, the following essay
A commonly held consensus is that schools ought to educate their pupils on how to be financially responsible in the modern world. There is no absolute agreement on whether educational sites should be the ones teaching st
The educational system especially in school should teach pupils the finances . The forthcoming paragraphs will examine why i tend to agree with the statement above .
There is no shortage of debates ebooks in our modern society.It is true that ebooks in our contemporary world.Nowdays due to increasing demand on ebook.The discussion about whether or not ebooks have become issue in our
Nowadays, some people argue with that the pupils should be taught by schools to financial management in the world today. I completely agree with this statement and think that it could be a great opportunity in their live
Finance plays a crucial role in an individual's life. In this contemporary era, every educational institution must teach pupils how to mitigate their expenses and generate income sources to survive in this world. I utte
Schools nowadays are starting to teach students new skills in order to address practical problems they will face in their adulthood. One of the skills they should learn is how to thrive financially in the world. In this
Financial management is currently a major issue globally. Most people have argued that school-going children should be taught these skills to enable them to cope well in the outside world later in life. I completely agre
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