IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The increasing dependence on computer-based technology has been a controversial topic currently. How this phenomenon will change and whether the reliance on it is beneficial have been a matter of concern. From my perspec
In recent years, technology has invaded the lives of human beings. While computers have been a paramount element in people's lives, they have aimed to use them in every aspect of their future lives. I believe that indivi
It is an irrefutable fact that computer-based technology is altering our lifestyles. Although technological advances are improving lives, human beings are becoming dependent on them. I do believe that technological adva
In this contemporary era, the issue of dependency on technology finds itself surrounded by much controversy. People these days are inclining towards on advanced technology. Although computers are the new innovations, it
It would be difficult to imagine life without computers. Over recent years ,in particular, their use and potential have grown at an incredible rate and I strongly believe that this growth will continue as more innovative
The appearance of technological advance, especially computer-based, has brought a huge revolution for our society. Nowadays, people’s dependence on it is dramatically increasing. And because of our job demand for hi-tech
Unarguably, world is moving towards new technology nowadays. need for computer based technology rising with time and its use is prominent in our day to day life. this essay will examine the arising concerns about use o
The excessive dependency on technology based on computers such as hardware, software, smartphones becomes a trend among the people. Computers can help the future to grow at a faster pace. I think computers can play a gre
The excessive dependency on the technology based on computers such as hardware, software, smartphones becomes trend among the people. The computers can help the future to grow at faster pace. I think computers can play g
Although , Mankind believed that the early foot on the moon was an achievement to Mankind. I support this statement to a large extend for some reasons. My position is argued further with the explanation. Out of all the
Technology has become an item of extremely necessity for humans in the last decades. Although it threatens many societies their effects are unavoidable and require us to adapt to it. In this essay, I will explain why I d
Discussion regarding such aspect as IT and connection with this technology have conducted for a long time. I can say with confidence that the future will be more closely connected with artificial intelligence and this is
An extremely important topic today is related to our dependency on computers and other technologies. Even though computers are relatively new inventions, they have become an indispensable part of our lifestyles. In this
Nowadays,Computer has become an integral part of our lives ,which practically we can not imagine that to live without computer-based technology.Overall,most of the information stored in digital format ,and our skills a
Nowadays,Due to the advancements of automation,our entire generation is dependent on computer and electronic technology-based devices,such as Laptop and mobile phones are most commonly used in our daily routine work of l
Going through history, one may see spectacular inventions serving humankind and fulfilling their dreams. Ever since the creation of computers and all related technologies in the past recent decades, an increasing depend
Going through the history, one may see spectacular inventions serving human kind and fulfilling their dreams. Ever since the creation of computers and all related technologies in the past recent decades, an increasing de
An extremely significant topic today is related to the dependency on computers and other technologies. Even though computers are relatively new inventions, they have become an indispensable part of our lifestyles. In thi
Nowadays, computers have become an integral part of our life, which we practically cannot imagine without them. Overall, most of the information is stored in digital format, and our skills are often determined by our abi
Computers today are performed in virtually every aspect of the most individuals’ lives. In business, computers are used extensively, such as, to maintain sales record, customer records, manage inventories, and maintain o
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