IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter to inform you regarding the situation of my poor parents, who are still struggling to eat bread and butter every day due to low income.
How are you ? I hope you are fine. I'am your student and i'am writing this letter because i have a problem and i find i cannot continue the course.
I am writing this letter in regards to inform you about the change, as I am unable to carry on with french learning course in the evenings due to some reason. I am working full-time as a PSW at a retirement home and my j
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am Navneet Kaur, a student of the accountancy course from the evening batch. I am writing this letter to inform you unfortunately; I will not be able to continue the classes
Hope you're doing fine. I'm writing this letter to inform you that I will be discontinuing the course for Lean Six Sigma - Green Belt, due to unfortunate reasons.
I am writing this letter with regards to informing you that I cannot continue my evening course which is following at your Institute of Pastry and Bakery.
I am enrolled in your evening Information Technology part-time course that takes place at 7 p.m., and I am writing this letter to inform you, that, I cannot continue to take part in your classes, let me explain the situa
I know you are doing well. As you are celebrating your sixtieth birthday next month, I want to give some suggestions regarding the way it could be celebrated.
I am writing this letter to inform you that at this moment I have a really hard situation related to my free time which I usually spend to studying for your course. It seems like I will not have an opportunity to continu
I am writing this letter concerning my part-time evening course that is started from last month in your college ,and I have participated in it. I really keen to pursue my studies in your college.However,a problem has ari
I am writing to express my decision about a part-time job in Hareket. I believe that your suggestion is better than the current job, particularly in salary and job description. As a result of this, I want to say that I w
I am writing you this letter to inform you that I can not finish my six-month driving course because I got a full-time job that will be starting next week in Dubai.
I hope you are doing great. I am Tajinder Singh and am writing this letter to formally inform you that I am unable to attend my remaining part-time project management course of the evening batch at your institute.
I am writing to you to express my interest in your job advertisement for interpreter that I learned a piece of news from my friend regarding a part-time job at your company.
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