IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Dear Mr and Mrs Jones, I am writing to express my interest to live with your family for six months and taking care of your six-year-old child. I found this job posted in the Australian magazine last week. I have always
I am Nikhil Dhaygude, a resident of Bangalore, India. I am writing this letter to put forward my candidature for the job advertised in the Australian magazine recently.
I am writing to you regarding the advertisement in the Australian magazine.Let me explain more in detail. I decided to take a new job in my free time.I had been working as baby sitter from 2019 until 2021 because I real
I am writing about your public announcement in an Australian magazine for someone living with a family and caring for their six-year-old child for six months.
I am writing this letter in regard to the advert published in TBT magazine that, you are looking for a babysitter for your child. My name is pooja and I would like like to apply for this vacancy .
I am Claire and am writing to you to express an interest in babysitting your six-month-old daughter as advertised in the Australian magazine. I have completed my graduation in child psychology and recently moved here t
I read the advertisement in magazine that you are looking for a care taker for yourchild. I would like to care of your son for the next 6 months. I like to play with children as I also have a younger brother who is very
I am writing with regard to the position which you published in an Australian magazine that you need to have a caregiver for the short time.I would like to be considered for this opportunity.
My name is Jane Robert. I live in the Southern part of Australia. I am writing a letter in regards to your advert published in the magazine to stay with your family for six months and take care of your child.
I am writing this letter in a response to your job advertisement for a babysitter in the Child Responsibility magazine. I am doing graduation in Electronics at Australian University and since the pandemic has hit the cou
I write with reference to the advertisement posted in the Australia Daily Magazine on a caretaker for your son and would be pleased if you could consider my suitability for the role.
I am writing this letter in reference to the advertisement I have seen in the Aussi Times for a babysitter position. I am a student and ,currently I am doing my master’s degree at Kingdom university. This is my final se
I am writing to you regarding your advertisement in ABC magazine about a job taking care of a six-year-old kid. Accordingly, I think I am suitable for this work. I would like to explain more.
I hope you are well and I would like to inform you all about a weekly magazine that I read last week in Australia. It was an advertisement for a vacancy to look after a six-year-old child and I am interested to apply fo
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