IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter to you with reference to the advertisement published in a magazine last Monday. It was mentioned that, you are looking for someone to stay with you and to look after your six-year-old kid.
I am writing this letter to apply for the caretaker job to look after your child as mentioned in the newspaper advertisement. This is an amazing opportunity for me to spend my break time in australia while I wait for the
I have seen an advertisement about the opportunity to live in Perth with your family looking for children. I am a Ukrainian expatriate. I have just arrived in Australia and I am looking for a new job.
I am writing this letter to express my interest in six months say and looking after your's six-year-old child. I am glad to know that I am going to play with a kid during my stay at your place. I have just done with my g
This letter is being written in response to your advert in the Child Care magazine for the requirement of a short-term babysitter. I would like to be considered for the position you are offering because I love being with
I am writing to you with regard to your advvertisment in the the local newspaper, I would like to apply for this job. Firslty, let me introduce myself to you, I am Jean 30 years old, I have seven years of experience in
I hope this letter finds you well.I am writing this letter to tell you I am ready to take this job because I think this job is extremely appropriate for me in addition, I believe this situation is fully helping me to fin
I have seen your advertisement on Ozzy magazina and I would like to offer myself for the position. I am keen to deal with youger child as long as I had to look after my two younger brothers until they turn 10 years old.
I am writing this letter in regards to the advertisement in the ‘’Kids love’ magazine data October 26 . I would like to join your family to look after your child.
I am writing this in regards to the advertisement in the ‘’Kids love’ magazine data October 26 . I would like to join your family to look after your child.
This letter is to express my interest in the advertisement you published in the Australian times on the 22nd of May where you were seeking someone to join your family to keep an eye on your six-year-old child.
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