IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing to thank you and admire your excellent work. Especially, you manage to provide us with huge digital screen and wonderful auditory equipment.
I am writing to express my gratitude for the excellent service provided by your hotel during our company's party held last on monday. Your team was very wonderful. Moreover would provide fast and quality service.
I am writing to you the reason for will set the more chair and tables because they were little yesterday which I organized party but it was very nice.
I would like to thank you for your services given at the party organized on 19th of August on Fraidy night . Our colleagues were satisfied and pleased with the party
I am writing this regards the party that you host last weekend. I really appreciate that you organise it really well. The sitting arrangements and food was nice too.
Greetings, I am writing this letter to you with regard to the latest party you organized, I am so delighted to inform you that it was a remarkable event, additionally, you made me proud of my appearance on this occasion
I am writing to you to make you know my past experience in the hotel. This was a few months ago when I was with my wife and my two daughters. The entrance of hotel is astonishing, the large two pillars supply the buildin
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. In the past , a time I have found to stay opportunity in your resort. Firstly, I was too much pleasure in this hotel.
My name is Injun Lee; I am writing this letter to express my appreciation for the well-organised staff party at Emporium hotel. During the party, everybody felt so excited and fascinated with the view and the well-prepar
I am writing to thank you for your service given at the party organized last week by me for my colleagues and company. Actually, it was an annual day of our company which is celebrated with great joy every year. The even
I am writing a letter to let you know that our company were very happy and satisfied with our event that was organized at your establishment. The party went smooth all throughout and every staff were satisfied with the s
I am writing to appreciate your service given at party organized last sunday by me for my collegues and company.Actually it was annual day of our company which is celebrated with great joy every year.The event went good
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