The two pie charts illustrate the general percentage of different matrimonial statuses (separated, married, never married, widowed, divorced and same-sex marriage on the first chart) of Canadian and Australian citizens.
The chart provides information on the demography of France and India in 1984. The data clearly illustrate the advantage of India in the number of born children.
The pie chart illustrates the information about the changes in the population of two countries, Italy and Yemen, in 2000 and 2025. It also depicts the three groups of ages and increase and decrease in their percentages a
The four bar charts shows comparisons between to countries ( France and India ) about the age structure of the residents in four categories in the year 1984 .
The bar graph illustrates the percentage proportion of the total earth's population in four various nations in 1950 and 2002, with the predictions for 2050.
The two pie charts compare the marital status of people living in Canada and Australia. It looks at six different spousal relationships. Units are measured in percentages.
A comparative visualization of the proportion of world's population in continents of Europe, Americas, Africa, Asia, and others is presented along with a break-down of the world's expenditure on food, clothing, shelter,
The two pie charts illustrates the martial status of people in two countries, Canada and Australia. Overall, we can see that the ratio of different martial status in both countries are similar, whereas the majority of th
Those pie charts are examining comparasion the marital status between communities in the Australia and in the Canada. The Australia number results are based on the year 1999, which is a year earlier than Canada.