IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The pie charts provide information about the energy utilization and electricity generated in the world based on 7 categories from last year's data.
The pie chart gives information about the outcome of watching Tv, eating Out, and talking with friends in European between 1985 and 1995 .
A glance at the graph provided reveals two information related to crime happened in UK in previous year. The first one is about relationship between age and crime described on line graph, and the second one about type of
The chart illustrates the result of a survey conducted by a university about satisfaction with IT support and opening hours targeted at full-time and part-time students.
The graph illustrates the number of publishments that were used in four months of the 2014 year in 4 libraries. However, axis Y shows how many books were taken, while axis X presents a period of time.
Given are two pie charts illustrating the financial condition of a children's charity in the United States. Showing the percentage distribution of revenue from six sources and for three different densities of money. The
The provided line graph illustrates information pertaining to the forest industry's production in the United Kingdom between 1980 and 2000. It can also be noted that the measurements were recorded in million tonnes (MT)
The four pie charts demonstrate statistical information about electricity generation in two different countries from three distinct types of energy and the breakdown of renewables for the year 2009.
The bar chart and pie chart compares between the rate of male and female who attending many evening programmes education which an education center during 2009 in addition shows information around the older of these co
A glance at the pie chart provided reveals how much money British students spent per month on different categories of items, along with their income sources in 2016.
A glance at the pie chart provided reveals how much money British students spent per month in different categories of items, along with their income sources in 2016.
The pie graph compares six different categories of electronic devices that young people use in Canada to watch TV in the years 2009 and 2019. Overall, at the beginning of the period, most of the young people used convent
The given pie graphs illustrate data about the rate of the four different types of transportation used in the British in 1996,1985 and 2005. Overall, it can be easily seen that private cars are the most popular and the p
The line graph illustrates the total expenses by foreign tourists in the United Kingdom between 1980 and 2010 while the bar graph gives the information on the purpose of their visit in 1980 and 2010.
The two pie charts illustrates the martial status of people in two countries, Canada and Australia. Overall, we can see that the ratio of different martial status in both countries are similar, whereas the majority of th
The pie chart depicts Germany and France's electricity generation from all types and renewable during a specific period .It is clear from the graph that the conventional thermal had the largest value in Germany while the
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