Learning is like nature. I don't know what does it mean? But I think learning is like watering a plant and it's related to grow something. Practicing, experimenting, reading helps these producers. For example, in Memrise -an English learning app- when you learn a new word, it's like you put down a seed and with every review it grows to be flourishing. 🔘It's all around us, even on a subconscious level. Everybody exposes 2 million bits of information per second that the brain absorbs them by the 5 senses. Our consciousness can absorb and filter only 134 bits of information, because our consciousness is limited to focusing, perceive and data processing. The most of data absorb by the subconscious. 88% of our daily works and activities is managed by the subconscious and the unconscious.Memorizing of the new skills, learning and new information are done at the subconscious level. They store- both information and skills -store in our subconscious and unconscious for a long time. ...