An obesity is a disease which is continuesly Increasing in childern in Australia, and 33% of chilldren are already obese. Many people believe that schools are responsible to monitor on their staudent's exercise and eating habbits while others contradit this statement. This essay will discuss why I am firmaly oppose it. There are numerous reasons behind the truth that why schools ought not be responsible to monitor the student's diet and exercise amount, but the most persuasive one is that it is not the role of teachers. As teachers are there to educate them, there role is not to keep the record of exercise and eating habbits of the students in fact it is the role of the parents. Teachers or schools can only educate them about the benefits of execise and nutrition therefore it is the parent's duty to make their children to eat healthy and do exercise. Thus, the schools role is not to monitor what their students eat and how much exercise they do. Secondly, the students can feel...