IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In recent years, there is an ongoing debate about whether the fact that young people of all ages ought to have more accountabilities such as helping at home or at work, or whether children should be free to enjoy their lives without extra responsibilities outside of school. While the latter is valid to some extent, I would regard myself as an advocate of the former.
In modern society, many individuals insist that we should choose large companies when we seek a job. I completely agree with this statement in terms of compensation and opportunities which large companies provide.
In modern society, some experts have been discussing whether governments should invest in looking for life on other planets or not, with people believing that this is meaningless public money. In this essay, i will debate and explain my opinion about this topic.
Many people think that residing in an apartment has more benefits than staying in an university dorm, while others argue living in this kind of place has many drawbacks. This essay will discuss both of advantages and disadvantages of living in an apartment.
A lot of us use robots in our daily lives nowadays and while it can be a good thing mostly, it does has its drawbacks. Some people argue it's taking over a lot of jobs, however, it's helping us do daily tasks more efficiently and it's a good source for brainstorming new ideas and information.
In the modern world, humans use as much fossil fuel like oil and gas as can to produce energy for a variety of purposes. Discovering it in the middle of nowhere continues to be a subject of debate due to its far-reaching implications. This essay will analyze the positive and negative aspects of the phenomenon, followed by an informed conclusion.
In today's society, perspectives towards the true meaning of education are different. Some people think that being a good person is the key to having an education, while some argue that it solely serves as a career preparation. Personally, I strongly believe that the purpose of education is to advance our capabilities to be able to compete in the job market. I will outline two viewpoints in regard to my opinion.
There is a notion that school sports are great platforms by which youngsters can learn to cooperate with other individuals. This is an opinion that I strongly align with as I feel that they help instill good habits and provide experience.
Some people believe that the growth of overseas travel has a bad effect on nature and should be constrained. In my opinion, I strongly agree with this statement.
In the present world there are few developed countries where the average life span of an individual is increasing. Although, this is a very good sign for a nation. But, due to this there is a huge amount of money spent on old age people, and also overcrowding at certain places affects the real estate prices. However, by expanding the current cities the problem can be mitigated. This essay will discuss the problems caused by this, and possible solutions for this.
In today's society, some individuals believe that studying abroad and working overseas are the primary reasons for learning a foreign language. However, others argue that these are not the only purposes and that numerous positive outcomes are associated with acquiring a new language. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument in detail and provide evidence that learning a foreign language is beneficial for our minds.
Currently, in a lot of nations, there are fewer pupils who are studying science courses in university. This essay will explain the causes of this issue and will mention the impacts it has on the community.
In the era of globalization, new payments have been raised. This made parents conscious about the future. They are trying their best for their kids. Therefore, a diverse range of parents believe that it is essential for both of them to work to elevate their life quality, while others assume that if they both work their kids will be frustrated. In this essay, I will elaborate on both statements.
In recent times, more and more people tend to relocate away from their loved ones and friends in order to pursue employment opportunities. In this essay, I would argue that the benefits of such a move outweigh the drawbacks.
The advent of technology in recent years allows people to enjoy their free time more than any antecedent period of the twenty-first century. While technological improvement offers unparalleled convenience, this expectation has only proved true to a certain extent since a significant amount of people still struggle with heavy workloads or financial difficulties, foremostly seizing up their free time.
Spending a lot of money could mean a lot of different things, the person might have a lot of expenses to take care or they just have a wild lifestyle. However, I believe it is wise to think about the future and to make a good financial plan for every salary.
Globalisation has been viewed as a positive development as people, ventures, and countries around the world are becoming closely connected, while some sceptics might see it as a hindering factor that stagnates global development instead. In my opinion, globalisation is a positive process that is moving the world towards development because it facilitates people's communication, and businesses can prosper through this process.
Some educational specialists believe that teenagers will get a huge benefit from overseas exchange visits. This essay will completely agree that the benefits will outweigh the drawbacks because this will build young students' grit and will elevate the sense of acceptance for different cultural backgrounds.
In this contemporary epoch, in certain areas, it is usually observed that due to curfew children are not allowed to go outside their houses in overnight. This essay will delve into the reasons behind this scenario in society and will lead to a logical conclusion as well.
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