IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In this contemporary epoch, in certain areas, it is usually observed that due to curfew children are not allowed to go outside their houses in overnight. This essay will delve into the reasons behind this scenario in society and will lead to a logical conclusion as well.
Students nowadays have many options at university, they can choose to study a minor subject alongside their main subject. Some believe that it is good for students to learn more knowledge. While others believe that it is more important for them to focus on their main subject to get a qualification.
Since the environment is one of the integral in the world so, Humans have a lot of responsibility for maintaining nature. However, sometimes people have bad behaviour with the earth that can cause damage to the environment. In my opinion, governments have crucial rules to solve these issues. I am also convinced that society should do some positive acts in order to have a beautiful nature.
The topic of regulation in schools must be done by parents or students has led to divergent perspectives among individuals. This essay will examine both sides of the argument before reaching a reasoned conclusion.
Some people believe that working in a team or group can help an individual to learn more important skills rather than doing tasks alone. I completely agree with this statement and In this essay , I will explain how teamwork is good for a human being with some examples from the newspaper and personal experience.
Many people believe that people's shape and what they wear should not determine who they are. I agree with that, as we can not judge a book by its cover, and the same for us rather than focusing on people's appearance we should look at their mentality and their attitude toward others.
It is common knowledge that many countries allocate substantial funds to the arts. While some argue that investment in art is essential, others contend that these resources would be better spent on health and education. In my opinion, although supporting the arts is important, prioritizing health and education are more beneficial for societal development.
There are a lot of republics where alcohol advertising is banned. This essay agrees with this idea because drinking can destroy families and advertisers influence nation’s minds destroying human identification identification
Many believe it is better to have separate schools for boys and girls as it ensures safety from events like eve-teasing and allows for more focus on studies whereas other people opine and support co-education for boys and girls. I definitely support the latter statement as co-education will make them confident and prepare them for the future. This essay will elaborate more on both the perspectives.
"In the contemporary era, with the evolving social landscape, the number of young adults is greatly surpassing the number of elderly people in some countries. Therefore, the question of whether this is a positive trend has become a matter of considerable debate. From my perspective, I believe that this phenomenon brings about more benefits than downsides.
In the contemporary era, the qualifications of young people have witnessed a significant rise. The question of the root causes of this phenomenon resulting from readily accessible education or a competitive job market has become a matter of considerable debate. This essay will explore two viewpoints, and I believe that the availability of education plays a more crucial role in this trend.
In contemporary society, with the rise in the cost of living and increased competition, both parents must work to earn more money. The question of whether this brings more advantages for children has become a matter of considerable debate. Although some argue that this situation causes parents to not have enough time to spend with their children, I believe this choice is more beneficial for them.
In the United Kingdom old life, community live their retirement lives in old homes with other old societies. Some public think that it is the government's responsibility to pay for them to take responsibility for those folk. Some think the opposite they think it is the responsibility of their own family. In this essay, I opine that power has to pay for them. I would like to give my opinion regarding this in upcoming paragraphs.
In today's fast-paced world, people have various preferences when it comes to their meals. Some people prefer to go to restaurants or cafes for their meals, whereas others enjoy the process of preparing and eating food at home. In this essay, I will discuss both points of view and draw some conclusions.
The notion of incorporating unpaid community service as a compulsory component of high school programs has garnered significant debate. Proponents argue that it fosters a sense of responsibility and community awareness among students, while opponents contend that it may overburden an already demanding curriculum. On balance, I agree that mandatory community service can be highly beneficial, albeit with some caveats.
The recent experience has raised a new work ethic known as working from home. Despite some of the drawbacks, I firmly believe that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. This essay will explore the benefits and drawbacks of working on mobility with reasoned examples.
Each year, a lot of people migrate to other countries for several reasons. Although there are many opportunities for these individuals, I agree to some extent that sometimes many people are faced with major social and practical problems.
The government has invested millions in building smooth roads and highways. Additionally. In developing transportation. However, many people think that the money should be diverted to improving and enhancing public transport and vice versa. This essay will discuss that both require investments.
Currently, the number of people who can establish new businesses is increasing, so some people believe that the best way that run a firm that use their families. while there are some merits of using family for work, I still think that these cannot overshadow the drawbacks.
In recent times, a new trend has emerged. More and more persons decide to relocate from rural areas to towns in search of a better life. It is possible to point out several pros and cons to this tendency. I intend to deeply explore the given issue in the following paragraphs.
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