IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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These days, public libraries are the best place for finding books and DVDs, and it is important that they improve their things; however, a group of people believe that these places have to spend their money on books , not on resources on expensive high-tech media such as software, applications, videos or DVDs. I am divided by this idea because people who cannot buy things which are costly can borrow them, and expensive things are in one place and all people can use them.
In this contemporary epoch, a certain number of individuals believe that group activities should be part a vital part of their kid's life while others say that it is essential for teenagers to learn how to spend their time alone in the most productive manner. In my opinion, group activities are essential in the growth process of youngsters. This essay will delve into both views along with my opinion and will lead to a logical conclusion as well.
These days , the young generation tends to spend most of their leisure time doing no physical activity, but making sports mandatory in schools is not a great decision. So, I generally disagree with the statement and in this essay, I will consider both views and give my opinion.
The view that people believe good leadership is naturally born with others also thinking it is a skill that can be learned has raised a lot of arguments.This essay will discuss both views and provide detailed reasons as to why I stand with the former statement positive views on the impact brought by inborn guardianship thus to the community, workplace, and certain sectors to a greater extent.
Some people consider that universities target students who have high marks in their primary classes. While others argue that students must be selected on the basis of their age or potential to learn new things. From my perspective, I firmly agree with the latter statement.
Some say that the only order to get money is a university and the other say there is more than one way to get money, this essay will agree with the second opinion because the university is not created to get money.
According to Sean McGibney. (2023, July). What Percentage of the World’s Population is Bilingual?. newsdle. What Percentage of the World’s Population is Bilingual? We know that "43% of the world's population is bilingual”. With the huge number of people who know a second language, the connection between humans becomes straightforward. They can communicate with foreigners, exchange and learn knowledge from developed countries and have higher positions in the workplace. However, people who only know one language will meet significant struggles in work, the most basic example is not understanding the foreign materials. So if one person wants to study a new language, what is the best way to study? The most effective way to learn a new language is to experience and immerse yourself in it, talk with foreigners, watch films or read books, as long as excessive exposure to non-native language will make you feel familiar like native language.
A number of educators believe that the exchange of teenage students to an overseas country to continue their school journey is beneficial. Disadvantages such as cultural shock, as well as losing an identity could be covered up by some advantages such as expanding the horizons of one's knowledge, and being more independent.
Tourism brings economic benefits but often harms the environment of tourist destinations. This essay will discuss four main negative impacts—pollution, environmental damage, resource use, and stress on local areas—and suggest ways to reduce these impacts.
The advent of modern technology has resulted in the obsoletion of several old practices that we and our ancestors used to partake in. Due to this reason, some people believe that teaching the art of handwriting to children is an unproductive activity. I strongly disagree with this stance and this essay is going to explore this issue in detail.
In recent years, some people have been discussing whether governments need to ban dangerous sports or not, arguing people should have the freedom to do any sports or activity. In this essay, i will debate and explain my opinion about this topic.
It is considered by many that social media sites bring detrimental consequences towards both individuals and the community. However, this essay disagrees with the statement because social networking sites can provide information or news faster to society and valuable educational resources for students.
The average weight of individuals are rising and their level of health and fitness are declining in some nations around the world. There are numerous causes for this, however certain measures could be taken to address this drawbacks.
It is argued that workers should have a fixed schedule and managers should not demand additional hours. Although employers should ask for extra service at the right moments, I believe that the same amount of work per week is good for both mental and physical health.
Some people leave their native country and relocate to other countries for numerous reasons such as jobs , living standards and security for their families. I think it is happening because people are thinking that they can get a better life in a different country as compared to their home country . In this essay , I will discuss how the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages.
It is argued that some students struggle with different courses like math and philosophy, so they think it is better to make these subjects optional rather than compulsory. This essay completely disagrees with that statement because science subjects and philosophy are important for the brain's development, and these subjects are essential in our daily life.
Some college students have the desire to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subjects; however, others aren’t keen on believing that some can do both, and instead they should focus on their major. In my opinion, I believe that they can do both, and in this essay, I will shed light as to why.
Weight issues are becoming a crucial problem globally. The number of overweight people is getting higher day by day due to a sedentary lifestyle and ubiquitous number of fast food outlets. This can be solved by taking some simple steps.
In today’s society, people’s perspectives on education have shown significant divergence. Therefore, the question of whether high schools should include a compulsory curriculum for free community service, such as working in a charity, helping the neighbourhood, or mentoring younger children, has become a matter of considerable debate. From my perspective, I agree with the viewpoint that students should engage in volunteer campaigns as these can bring about numerous benefits to them.
In contemporary society, what types of content should be inculcated to secondary school pupils bursts a heated debate. Some lean towards studying academic subjects, while others assert that students should prioritize learning theoretical knowledge, I will examine both perspectives and provide my personal stance.
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