IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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The art galleries are losing its charm their charm as visitors in a few parts of the world are alleviating. This is probably due to a plethora of other fascinating art mediums at disposal. However, this phenomenon can be altered if such studios bring something divergent to offer to art lovers.
It is true that nowadays, a considerable number of individuals have a tendency to spend their money instead of saving it. There are a number of reasons for this trend, which is having a significant impact on both family life and on the community as a whole.
There has been a change in the social status of people in the current time, whether its getting married or having children. Individuals now delay on having an offspring. There could be various reasons which they want to attain before having an offspring, such as career goals and financial stability. In my view, there are more advantages to this approach. In my essay I will discuss both the views.
The economic development has led to various changes in the current lifestyle of individuals. Shopping has become an integral part of our life. The youth are more attracted to this habit than older people and it has almost become their favourite hobby. While there are many reasons attributed to this habit such as increased spending power and peer influences, some people argue that they should be encouraged to spend their time wisely in other useful activities and I completely agree with that...
It is often seen that some teenagers are visiting educational institutes to gain practical knowledge, while others prefer staying in schools providing better academic education. I believe that schools should focus on both the aspects of education for better future of their students.
A few decades ago, most of our working power was employed in small businesses, where they had a close relationship with the owner, felt connected and shared his enthusiasm. Nowadays, with the globalization and the conglomeration of the western world, most of us work for someone who sits far away. His motives are unknown, thus causing a decrease in motivation. In many fields, large companies tackle that problem by rewarding employees with bonuses in an attempt to provide an incentive to work...
Some people consider that sending children to boarding school is a good idea. A major share of society favours it. However, rest averse it. This essay will give reasons to why some people feel that it is an excellent idea and also it will discuss why some people oppose the idea.
A large proportion of the world's population is currently in the age group of 25-50 years; however, it translates to the fact that this huge proportion will join the dependent sector of the economy by the end of this decade. This can have a detrimental effect on the socio-economical aspect of a country, hence it is vital to find ways to deal with the situation before it becomes a reality. In this essay, let us get a glimpse on this seemingly subtle problem and look for ideas to combat what ...
The topic of whether children should attend boarding schools or not has attracted much controversies. While some agree that they should, others think otherwise. Both sides of this argument will be discussed in this essay and a logical conclusion will be reached.
Different seasons bring different experiences and one such experience is the change in climate. For centuries people have been debating on which climate is better to live in, hot or cold? While a section of society prefers hot, there are many others who adore the cold weather. This essay will discuss why it living in cold conditions is much more fun when compared to living in hot climate.
The application of the chemistry in the food industry has resulted in evolutionary developments in food production in terms of safety from opportunistic contamination as well as improving the taste and flavour of the processed products. Yet, the involvement of these synthetic substances into our food chain has many drawbacks which overall surpass their advantages and hence, endanger the utilisers’ lives. This essay will shed light on the reason why and how these chemical additives embody a ...
Keeping a work- life balance is becoming more complicated for some people these days.This essay will briefly discuss the possible causes of this situation and then suggest some remedial measures to address the problem.
It is true that there are people who opted to choose texting over talking most of the time when communicating. There are reasons for this and in my own view, I believe this trend has more disadvantages.
It is true that art museums are becoming unpopular in some countries. In the following paragraphs, I shall present reasons to why this is happening, and some possible solutions available to solve the issue.
I agree with the fact that females provide good parenting and nurturing than men and this is why they have the major part in uplifting their children's life in many of the communities. Women can play both the role of a father and mother.
Taking a “gap year” off between high school and university has become a popular option among many young people. This time off provides a break after many years of formal study. Some students use this time to travel around the world, others volunteer and still others begin working. The idea behind each of these activities is to do something hands-on and refreshing, which enables young people to learn more about themselves and their place in the world around them.
The science is a widely taught area of studies in almost all the universities of the world. It is considered that there are considerably a higher number of men students than female learners in scientific studies. This assertion has a cause and also a solution this essay will discuss.
Nowadays, many studies imply that the experiences that we have been through in our lives have only an infinitesimal impact on our individual and development compared to the huge influence that stems from the hereditary characteristics that we are born with. In my opinion, I believe that lifetime experience plays a much greater role in our personality and improvement.
It is true that as a result of people's exodus from villages to cities, the latter expand in a starling pace in order to cater for such an unrivalled increase in numbers of population. While certain individuals opt for living in towns because this offers them better education, others prefer countryside thanks to its healthy environment.
It is true that modern families do not have meals together as often as in the past. Reasons for this vary, and there are several impacts on both households and the community as a whole.
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