IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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The number of humans who are susceptible to serious health issues as a result of being obese is rising. Why is this ugly trend on this rise and how can it be curtailed? This essay will discuss both questions in detail.
It is true that many people do not realize the functions of our nature. I analyze this problem in several ways and also provide some steps to ease it.
Since many years researches are explaining people about the significance to protect the environment by curtailing the utilizations of energy from our daily routine. In spite of this, society does not follow their instructions. The etiological factors giving rise to this plight are complete reliability on the energy resources and nonchalant attitude towards the detrimental effects of using plastics and fossil fuels. People can be motivated to conserve the nature by educating them about the b...
It is true that advertising plays a crucial role in our lives. While some people think that advertising brings a lot of advantages to the general public. However, others think that it could also have some disadvantages. In my opinion, its cons could never overshadow its pros. Discussed below are several benefits as well as drawbacks of this isssue.
These days, many people made their decision to give birth in later stages of life. There are a lot of reasons for this trend, and the effects can be clearly seen on society and family life.
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