IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Few people feel that learning foreign languages will only be helpful for people who want to work or study in abroad. While others believe that there are other benefits by studying non-native languages, I would agree with the latter view.
Annually, criminal activities have been skyrocketing by leaps and bounds. Some people think that introducing corporal punishment would deter such acts, whereas, vast majority propose that other corporal measures should be adopted. This essay will provide a concrete discussion on both viewpoints.
The young generation tend to be less aware of their traditions and culture compared to the older generation these days. This essay will discuss the reasons why this change has occurred, including contemporary culture is more attractive and lack of relevant programs from the government. This essay will also explain why this tendency has negative impacts on our society.
In recent times, children and adults in some countries spend a great amount of time indoors rather than participating in activities outside their homes. The increase in the use of the social and mass media are the significant factors to this warning trend.
Nobody can deny that parental influence is important for children, at least in cases where children live with their parents, foster parents or guardians. However, it is by no means clear that children should spend time exclusively in the family, as we will see.
It is believed that many individuals persist in smoking although they are aware of the hazards of this. This is due to societal pressure and this can be reduced by introducing an higher tariff on the product.
Worldwide, it has been observed that people make their hair and purchase outfits according to current fashion. One of the reasons for this is because of the insatiable need to look different and stand out hence, the constant update in fashion.
Nowadays, a lot of individuals around the globe have opted on purchasing attires and selecting hairstyles according to what is currently trending. However, I am of the opinion that this is a major benefit and I will discuss the impact it has on individuals.
Teachers are increasingly finding that their pupils do not pay full attention or concentrate properly during class time. This essay will examine the reasons for this and suggest some possible solutions.
With the increasing number of private institutions, it becomes pertinent to determine whether government ought to extend finances to privately owned educational institutions. I am of the opinion that public funds should not be made available to private institutions, but rather, be best put to use in developing other sectors of the country.
It is obvious that tourism is one of the leading sectors in many countries and continue to grow every year. This growth in the number of visitors leads to adverse consequences for local communities. However, other people appreciate the positive impacts of this surge in travellers. The objective of this essay is to outline the potential reasons and considerable outcomes of this issue.
These days issues regarding health are very common, owing to the unhealthy routing in daily life. This essay will discuss certain causes and possible measures of this negative development.
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of individuals travelling to tourist destinations with abominable natural conditions. In this essay, both merits and drawbacks will be addressed in detail.
In many parts of the world, talent competitions on TV have massively grown in popularity as we see the rapidly rising number of audience of such programs. While some critics might regard them as solely entertaining, I believe that these shows are an effective means of seeking for new talented artists.
Owing to the drastic rise in the incidence of chronic diseases nowadays, some individuals are of the opinion that, everyone must be responsible for ensuring that they are healthy. Whereas, some other people disagree with this idea and believe that the onus lies on the Government to ensure that the health of its citizens are well catered for. This essay will discuss the role of both parties in ensuring good health.
The number of humans who are susceptible to serious health issues as a result of being obese is rising. Why is this ugly trend on this rise and how can it be curtailed? This essay will discuss both questions in detail.
It is true that many people do not realize the functions of our nature. I analyze this problem in several ways and also provide some steps to ease it.
Since many years researches are explaining people about the significance to protect the environment by curtailing the utilizations of energy from our daily routine. In spite of this, society does not follow their instructions. The etiological factors giving rise to this plight are complete reliability on the energy resources and nonchalant attitude towards the detrimental effects of using plastics and fossil fuels. People can be motivated to conserve the nature by educating them about the b...
It is true that advertising plays a crucial role in our lives. While some people think that advertising brings a lot of advantages to the general public. However, others think that it could also have some disadvantages. In my opinion, its cons could never overshadow its pros. Discussed below are several benefits as well as drawbacks of this isssue.
These days, many people made their decision to give birth in later stages of life. There are a lot of reasons for this trend, and the effects can be clearly seen on society and family life.
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