IELTS Opinion Writing Samples Band 8

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There is a consideration that authorities should avoid disease and illness by concentrating on housing and environmental issues. This writer contends that although that solution is a difficult obstacle, it will have a positive impact on human health, especially in this era.
It is said that the government should concentrate on diminishing housing problems and atmospheric pollution in order to deal with malady and affliction. The writer of this essay agrees with this point of view and will give some information to support its decision.
One school of thought holds that so as to prevent disease and illness, more attention should be put on alleviating environmental pollution and domestic problems. The writer is in favour of this viewpoint due to the negative effects that toxic fumes and building heat cause on human life.
It is argued that authorities should emphasize environmental and accommodation issues as a method to deal with health problems. The writer agrees with this assertion and argues against those who support treatment innovation as a better method.
Nowadays, it is often said that to prevent disease problems, governments should concentrate on cutting down housing problems and environmental pollution. This writer totally agrees with this statement and will explain why during the essay.
There is a controversial debate that many individuals suggest governments need to concentrate more on limiting the pollution of the environment and accommodation issues to prevent people from illness and disease. From my perspective, I totally agree with this point of view and will give a clear clarification in the following essay.
As technology steadily moves forward, smartphones have become a necessity among many. The use of these types of devices among kids has increased rapidly over the past several years, resulting in an addictive nature within this age range. This essay will elaborate on the reasons behind such behaviours and contend that the consequences of such activities result in negative implications.
In today's world, there are many controversial opinions on whether using modern farming methods in order to grow crops efficiently by using the development of new technologies is threatening or not. In this essay, I will delve into both perspectives before showing my own perspective.
There are different views about whether younger adults are well-suited for significant roles within governmental structures. This essay will discuss the reasons behind these two views and demonstrate my own opinion.
There is a constant argument about whether former inmates might act as speakers to educate teenagers about the perils of criminal behaviour. Some believe that these people are the best to talk about the crime and its consequences. This essay strongly disagrees with this statement because there are some offences and reasons behind them that would not be good and easy to understand by young adults.
A group of individuals present the view that residents have a personal obligation to maintain cleanliness and order in their own neighbourhoods, whereas others believe it is fundamentally the government's duty. I strongly agree with the former opinion.
In our fast-paced society, the phenomenon of government control over the citizens' call records and messages has long been a subject of controversial debate. Some societies have a notion that restrictions are required, whereas others allege that if it happens, it means the violation of the rights of people. In the forthcoming paragraphs, this essay will elucidate both viewpoints and provide a logical conclusion from my standpoint.
It is often argued by the majority of people that young children should acquire reading skills with online sources, while others suspect that paper-based materials are more effective. This essay analyzes both statements in the following paragraphs with relevant examples.
It’s undeniable that finding a career has been considered a primary topic these days. However, there are two kinds of ways to reach a job: either having more personal experience and abilities or gaining better knowledge and higher scholarship. From my perspective, I believe that both of them have the same value and should be shared in every individual job, and I will present both reasons and information to support my ideas.
It is universally accepted that competition in sports can have various advantages for several types of groups and nations. However, there are those who argue that this action leads to crucial issues among individuals. This essay will examine both perspectives and outline supporting reasons throughout the following paragraphs.
Sporting events foster camaraderie amongst nations , promoting a sense of global unity and mutual respect. Reputable sporting events tie the world together, cater for releasing patriotic emotions and assist in reducing political stress too. I agree with this statement, and this thesis will highlight how it promotes patriotism and harmony in international and domestic communities.
These days, it is inevitable that cutting-edge technology, such as the internet, has undoubtedly impacted human behaviours negatively and positively. Many run-of-the-mill people deeply believe that the internet broadly facilitates people to communicate with an unknown person in different parts of the world more easily; in contrast, others convey that it actually generates a detrimental effect. Hence, this essay is going completely to articulate more detail both views and provide a supporting notion to them.
In this contemporary era, teenagers learn from different resources. It is a controversial issue whether pedagogues have more influence on offspring for their aspiration and social enhancement whereas, some believe that parents have a substantial role over their children. From my perspective, I disagree with this statement and the reasons are mentioned in the following paragraphs.
It is often argued by the majority of people that young children should acquire reading skills with online sources, while others suspect that paper-based materials are more effective. This essay analyzes both statements in the following paragraphs with relevant examples.
Some claim that it is more beneficial to purchase less. Having assessed the current global events, I strongly agree with this assumption because hardly anyone can anticipate what will happen in the future, and cutting down on unnecessary purchases makes it easier to meet their long-term goals.
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